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stoicshrubbery t1_izq64vg wrote

It would be very unfortunate if those excessively large screens at an already distracted and dangerous intersection were to be damaged by a medium velocity projectile from afar. My disappointment would be immeasurable and my day would be ruined.


YourTokenGinger t1_izq904v wrote

I live in the area, and I hate that damn sign. Driving past Campbell after dark is literally an eyesore. Maybe even worse is that it’s just a gigantic screen saver, usually a flag or some fish or something. What’s the point?


PalPubPull t1_izqbcbw wrote

Is that all from that one sign? It looks like the light pollution covers a couple miles from a 100ft screen.

I don't live where it bothers us so I'm genuinely asking if that's all from one sign, or just the general light pollution from the Sunshine/Campbell area.

I only ask as I drive by it every morning (before 5am), and it's bright, but not like a nuisance and I'm curious of a before and after if it's available.


Cloud_Disconnected OP t1_izqcjtm wrote

I lived near that intersection for years, and the difference is striking enough this evening that I took a picture. I would say it's at least 90% the new sign.

It's worth noting that it was more noticeable tonight due to weather conditions, and they do have their Christmas lights up as well.


Tully1022 t1_izqcsmy wrote

Ummmm, how 'bout not looking at it? You f'ing snowflakes are offended by every single thing on earth. Next thing you know you'll be calling me a bully.


MacTheReject t1_izqkait wrote

Oh yes that would be awful. It would be such a shame if local hardware stores carried such projectiles as well as materials and tools to make launching mechanisms. In Minecraft of course.


MacTheReject t1_izqkf3o wrote

Awe little snowflake is upset that people have opinions?? Gonna cry about people talking about the city they live in? Are you the one who needs a safe space the most?


Nobodycaresgetalife1 t1_izqz3xr wrote

If you’re worried about light pollution I would probably get out of Springfield in general. The whole town is lit up.


Cloud_Disconnected OP t1_izr2il1 wrote

I'm not particularly concerned about light pollution in general. I'm also not a Bass Pro or Johnny Morris hater. But I do think that sign is pretty damned excessive.

Years ago Battlefield Mall had a marquee sign at Battlefield and Glenstone, and that was deemed too distracting for drivers and removed. The Bass Pro sign is several orders of magnitude beyond that little sign.


sgf-guy t1_izradl2 wrote

You clearly don’t understand how screens this big are basically built out of blocks of LEDs…so if a block goes bad you just replace it.

I live 2 blocks away and see the big screen from my back porch. I’m not bothered. The only reason it’s amplified is because of fog recently. You will survive to post more dramatic stuff like an HOA Karen tomm I’m sure.


sgf-guy t1_izrb066 wrote

As someone who isn’t basically the equivalent of a leftist HOA Karen, you see this due to fog, whereas the individual droplets of fog or fine precipitation acts as lenses for light. You wouldn’t even know it unless you lived very close. Also they turn off signs between about 11-12 at night.

I live less than 2 blocks from the new sign. I see all of it from the far end of my place. It’s made zero impact on my life. So why it makes impact on anyone who is outside of a similar scenario is beyond me unless you have so much time you decide to be bothered.


Xyvir t1_izrlrdj wrote

Unfortunately those big screens are led walls made up of a bunch of smaller units in line, so they would just have to replace 1 small section to repair it.

You couldn't take out the whole thing with 1 bullet like a TV or something


Sk8ordie79 t1_izs7lgq wrote

I dream one day that sucker gets hacked. Someone puts an Only fans chick up there having her little web show... she's teasing her camera while 100 people are sitting at the light or eating chicken across the street.


socialistpizzaparty t1_izsee5h wrote

But she’s also eating fried chicken, and everyone is just really confused. They think… “wait… Bass Pro does chicken now!?”. So of course, Bass Pro HAS TO do chicken now. Thus begin the Springfield chicken strip wars of 20XX.


memphotographer t1_izshk6x wrote

Damn I knew the bass pro pyramid was big but I didn’t know it could be seen from Missouri


Cloud_Disconnected OP t1_izsq8b2 wrote

That's nice that it doesn't bother you. I don't need your permission to think it's too bright, regardless of how close you live. It's not a political issue. I don't hate Bass Pro. It has nothing to do with guns, or trucks, or Trump, or culture wars.

As someone who isn't basically the equivalent of a rightwing Fox News grandpa, not everything is about politics.


CelestialJackope t1_izss02i wrote

Ugh. I drive by in the morning on my way to work and I have to put my passenger visor down so it stops blinding me with the all white background for "Happy Holidays!" that is just playing on repeat.

It's so damn bright and seems to serve no purpose but distracting drivers.


round_is_funny t1_izt1xz4 wrote

You know, if it's about conservation, this isn't it. At least as far as our flying friends are concerned.


[deleted] t1_izt6os1 wrote

It looks like a damn casino at night with those new wrap around screens. I'm not a fan


the_honeyman t1_izt9h2k wrote

Unnecessary assumptions about political leanings of people who just don't like a big ass, way too bright sign?

The reasoning "it doesn't bother me, so why would it bother anybody else?

The dude just plain being a twat? Take your pick.


Francy63 t1_izttyjg wrote

It's absolutely BLINDING. I drive by it on my way to work every morning and it's so distracting.


ManlyVanLee t1_izub20x wrote

The one that always amazes me is baseball field screen in Ozark. Sometimes during the summer it'll be on at Midnight on like a Wednesday with no one there and you can see it from miles away


akaBeatrixKiddo t1_izukyxf wrote

“Advertisement is the rich asking for more money. They disfigure their towns in order to decorate their houses.” —G.K. Chesterton


Always_0421 t1_izusckk wrote

Oh the irony of living in springfield and being upset by light pollution lol


armenia4ever t1_izxhqlv wrote

Ngl, my kids love those lights on Bass Pro with a passion. This is the kind of light pollution I can and well get behind.


RayMan89477 t1_j0g7nvb wrote

I live down the street from the bass pro shop store. The light never bothers me. There are alot of areas around Springfield that are real dark so, for me, it nice to be able to see that part lite up. Maybe I am missing something but why some seem to be against Bass Pro and John Morris? The store, the construction there and the light never bothers me. Maybe I am missing something?


Cloud_Disconnected OP t1_j0hb9zo wrote

Why do people dislike Bass Pro/Johnny Morris? It's politics mostly. They don't like Republicans and what they represent. And the stereotypical Republican likes guns, trucks, hunting, fishing etc., things closely associated with Bass Pro.

I like shopping at Bass Pro, and I like guns and fishing. I'm probably liberal by Springfield standards, but other places I'd be considered centrist. For me, it's not about politics. Sign's too bright. End of story. You don't think it's too bright? Good for you, I'm glad it doesn't bother you.

I already told someone else that where you live has no impact on my opinion about the sign. I don't care if you live inside the sign and think it should be 10x brighter. I think it's too bright.


Cloud_Disconnected OP t1_j0hd400 wrote

I have to drive by it every day, that's enough for me.

Other people claim to live near the sign and say it doesn't bother them. I suspect they'd let Bass Pro put a sign in their front yard if they thought it would own the libs, but maybe they genuinely aren't bothered. Who knows?


DyktMuffinManwlodl t1_j14lo1u wrote

I used to work in their corporate office. Without doxxing myself, the department I was in printed multiple hundreds or thousands of page reports for people in different departments to highlight certain pages, scan back in, and then shred the report.

This is how they did their accounting, among other things.

The manager of that department at the time finally told them "this doesn't line up with your mission statement let's get rid of these ancient laser printer as400 reports."

Bass Pro does all kinds of stuff like this. While I was there I was informed that the maintenance crew killed goose eggs with diesel. Nevermind the fact that it's bass pro and they could easily get a license to dispose of these pests legally, using corn oil.