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Tess_Mac OP t1_j1k6m2l wrote

I don't know, have you tried

Do you need immediate help?


RexKelman t1_j1khi84 wrote

Not immediate but I'm hoping within the next year 😅


Tess_Mac OP t1_j1kw0n6 wrote

This is for people who have rental debt, facing homelessness or have a reduction in income. Not for people who feel entitled.


RexKelman t1_j1mu3ez wrote

Oh sorry, I'm very poor at explaining. My significant other has 5 kids of their own and we have one together. Currently they are unable to work and trying to apply for disability, in the mean time we're living solely off of my income, 17 an hour, which I'm very grateful for, it's the most I've ever made in my life, but unfortunately with our medical bills and car payments we dont have enough to be able to rent our own place so we are currently staying at their parents place.