Submitted by willardharrisupvotes t3_zk2wks in springfieldMO
topflight8000 t1_izxhhqy wrote
I'm a hard-nosed, right-leaning Libertarian. In your opinion, why should I vote for you?
willardharrisupvotes OP t1_izxjrag wrote
I don’t believe the government should control your body whether it be abortions, vaccines, or how many times you see a doctor. I believe that the government has no right to spy on our online presence, phone calls, or texts without a warrant. I will push for a balanced budget and cut spending that doesn’t benefit the American people.
Anima_EB t1_izxjzxu wrote
So you're pro-choice but don't support vaccine mandates?
armenia4ever t1_izxnhod wrote
Woah, Actually a consistent position on the issue! Don't see that too often.
One gripe that always really bothered me is that someone could advocated for "muh body muh rights" when it came to abortion, but then not when it came to vaccines.
Either you have rights over your body or you don't.
What about second amendment, workers rights/unions, Medicaid for all/public option giving kids puberty blockers, foreign policy, all that fun stuff that people yell into the void over on twitter?
topflight8000 t1_izynz9w wrote
One has to wonder if all of these downvotes on the sensible comments aren't bots/throwaways.
[deleted] t1_izyzcf1 wrote
topflight8000 t1_izzbs0z wrote
Nah I don't think so.
willardharrisupvotes OP t1_izxl9fx wrote
Letting people decide whether or not to get a vaccine is Pro-Choice. A vaccine mandate is just as invasive as an abortion ban. I’m vaccinated but I would not tell someone else the have to get the vaccine or they’ll go to jail.
ProgressMom68 t1_izxlk72 wrote
Excuse me? No one is going to jail for refusing a vaccine. Thank you for demonstrating, in one sentence, why I shouldn’t vote for you. Yikes.
willardharrisupvotes OP t1_izxmd1q wrote
Two judges in Ohio made getting a vaccine a condition of probation. A federal judge said prisoners refusal to get a vaccine was “practically a disqualifier” in compassionate-release cases. Numerous lawyers who spend their lives reading the law have stated that local, state, and federal governments hold the right to fine and or jail people for refusing vaccine mandates. It’s an overreach of power to tell someone what to do with their bodies. If that forces you not to vote me, that is your right. Have a wonderful day.
tveye363 t1_izxmzd1 wrote
Maybe take a look at how many inmates died of covid and other infections.
-Valued_Customer- t1_izxzvac wrote
I think not getting vaccinated is stupid, selfish, and extremely detrimental to public health, but agree with you in principle that vaccines shouldn’t be forced on anyone at gunpoint. However, probation aside, that isn’t happening anywhere, is it? Making vaccination a condition of employment is not the same as making it a condition of being free to go about one’s life unmolested. When you say you oppose vaccine mandates, are you saying that you oppose (say) hospitals requiring vaccinations for the protection of their staff and patients?
topflight8000 t1_izymfcg wrote
Don't let this thread get you down. Reddit users are notoriously FAR left/totalitarian and are in no way an actual representation of Springfield's demographic.
You're doing great 😅
[deleted] t1_izyzg9r wrote
StealthyPenguins t1_izy22ww wrote
I’m with you. If Shelly gets back to the office after an abortion chances of me,an immunocompromised person, ending up hospitalized are pretty damn low. However, if unvaccinated shelly shows up and gives my compromised ass polio that’s a different ballgame. It’s not “my body, my choice” when that choice impacts your cubicle buddy’s(or mom, grandpa, hair stylist etc) body, as well. It’s more complicated than that.
This argument is tiring.
armenia4ever t1_izxno3f wrote
So its only my body my rights when it comes to abortion, but not everything else regarding what goes into one's body.
Very interesting.
-Valued_Customer- t1_izxykn7 wrote
What kind of spending would you say doesn’t benefit the American people?
topflight8000 t1_izxk3wf wrote
I agree with all of your stances except abortion. You sound like a solid choice. Do you have a website or FB page?
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