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WorldFoods t1_j0291gp wrote

What he has done is good marketing but it’s also just called being a good person and putting good out into the community. If he were only concerned with making money, he wouldn’t give so much of it away — to the community, supporting other restaurants, taking his employees on all-expense paid vacations. He is successful because he wants to change how the industry treats people.


Same_Transportation4 t1_j02b75c wrote

I’ve worked for plenty of restaurants/bars that did the same. But they didn’t use advertising. The food should speak for itself. And I’m telling you that Thai Express ain’t talking.


WorldFoods t1_j02gzf1 wrote

Then tell us which bars and restaurants so we can support those great owners, too.


the_honeyman t1_j02pe8j wrote

All you did was prove your opinion on restaurants is worthless.


The_Doja t1_j02c60d wrote

shut your dirty fucking mouth

T.X. massaman curry is life