Submitted by clOverrated t3_znvz6r in springfieldMO
flojo2012 t1_j0la5dn wrote
Need to find the Roy and take a squeege
Headed to the Roy! I’ve got a senator trying to get over the filibuster
putalotoftussinonit t1_j0lhbjv wrote
Senator Larry Craig likes the way you think.
jgj570s t1_j0ll848 wrote
clOverrated OP t1_j0jgmun wrote
Blunt Pro Shops?
Also, come this summer if there's not a dispensary named "Blunt Terminal" I would be sincerely disappointed 😆
DusenberryPie t1_j0kr9zo wrote
I mean terminal blunt could definitely land
ContentPair2582 t1_j0lmrx7 wrote
PauseAmbitious6899 t1_j0jota1 wrote
I wish he was terminal
Illustrious-Leave406 t1_j0jk2ig wrote
Dismal, Springfield. Just dismal.
Anima_EB t1_j0jm2u9 wrote
I'm making a Roy Blunt right now. (This is a poop joke and not a blunt joke.)
formiscontent t1_j0jvg04 wrote
Blunt Bluntshaw
brass_boobs t1_j0jrq4k wrote
My classmate hit his mailbox with a car once
ManlyVanLee t1_j0kghen wrote
We should name the terminal after your classmate
Lkaufman05 t1_j0k1t8i wrote
He deserves an award lol
Embarrassed_Tax_6547 t1_j0l1eek wrote
He deserves his own holiday.
robzilla71173 t1_j0lr23g wrote
You're either a lot older than most people here or your classmate was bsing you. Blunt's local residence has been a condo for decades. Mailbox is indoors.
brass_boobs t1_j0nmk7c wrote
It was at his house in Strafford
robzilla71173 t1_j0ochvg wrote
I stand corrected. Didnt realize he lived in Strafford now. Sorry, the blunt = bad threads get cringey for me. I'm a research scientist at msu and he's been a huge benefactor to university science research programs throughout his career. His staff have met with Schmitt to try and drive home how important science funding is but I doubt it will help. Sad to say Schmitt and Burleson are going to make Blunt and Long look like benevolent geniuses and both msu and mizzou are going to miss the guy, regardless of how we feel about his politics.
Challenger1388 t1_j0kbn7r wrote
At least he voted for the marriage equality act, in a interracial relationship myself, I’ll give him some props..
ManlyVanLee t1_j0kgvvc wrote
As a sitting Senator that had already decided to retire it was a way for the establishment Republicans in the Senate gain favor. They knew it was likely to pass anyway, and his vote was so that they can now have favor from the Democrats in another vote
If later on Blunt was trying to get reelected for the position then during the primaries his opponents could use it to try and sway the batshit crazy lunatics who actually vote in primaries to vote for them instead
Long story short he didn't vote for it because he's suddenly had a change of heart, it was merely him playing the game for his asshole Republican buddies
Unfortunately he didn't get hit by a passing plane when dedicating the thing, so he's likely going to go become an even wealthier 'consultant' or lobbyist
duckthebuck t1_j0jk140 wrote
That carpet is always surprisingly horrid
bradhilldesign t1_j0liujl wrote
The new name works well with their weed carpet.
jgj570s t1_j0ll5v3 wrote
Way to name your airport after an insurrectionist supporter & democracy denier. Kudos. Go America!
clOverrated OP t1_j0lnbjy wrote
Bring your large containers of liquid and keep your shoes on, this is the people's terminal now!!
Just trying to match the energy. 🤷♀️
bibiane t1_j0rokzx wrote
It's not a legitimate terminal
robzilla71173 t1_j0zcyw2 wrote
Trying to remember when he supported Jan 6? I think you're confusing Blunt with Hawley. Whether or not you like him, he's not retiring because he hates being a Senator. He's retiring because he clashed with trump and fell out of favor with Missouri Republicans. Blunt was one of the people denouncing Jan 6 as it was going on, which would be expected since it interfered with his constitutional duty to verify the results of the election and he's a pretty strict constitutionalist.
jgj570s t1_j0zumg2 wrote
Like all politicians… He was speaking out of both sides of his mouth.
robzilla71173 t1_j10enjf wrote
I'm sure he does. But I don't have a subscription to KC Star so I have no idea what's in that opinion blog. But he's never as far as I know expressed any support for the Jan 6 insurrection or those who carried it out. I'm not sure there was some magical gotcha moment in that blog that would show he did. I suspect if there had been it would have been somewhere more than in a blog behind a paywall.
meankittybeans t1_j0kglbr wrote
I name every turd after him before I flush it.
DemWookieeCheeks t1_j0mheco wrote
The Roy Blunt Secret Abortion Railway Station
ash-hole189 t1_j0k2sf0 wrote
fishlope- t1_j0kjhe0 wrote
I'm glad they're renovating temple, but my god I'm never calling it blunt hall. It'll always be temple in my mind.
ash-hole189 t1_j0l6eqo wrote
Blunt must have given both entities money to nail his name on them. The airport terminal or whatever had a vanilla name to begin with, but Temple Hall is legend. I’d be ticked if they removed my name for no apparent reason.
robzilla71173 t1_j0zf1uc wrote
I grew up going to science competitions in Temple Hall. I practically lived there for my pre engineering years and I actually did live there during grad school. And now I work as a scientist at MSU. Not lying when I say this was the first time I'd ever heard of Allen Temple. Not sure it's legend. I would almost guarantee my coworkers here also don't know who he is. We know Blunt because he pushes massive amounts of funding our way for science research and that included about fifty million to double the size of Temple Hall, which is why they renamed it after him. I'll happily eat the downvotes if it means some of you will read this and think about ditching the blanket views of him as anti science because he's a republican. He was literally a science teacher before politics and has pushed billions into science research during his career. I don't agree with his politics, but I'm very aware that he's pro science.
ash-hole189 t1_j120wyp wrote
Thanks for your input. I feel enlightened :)
ItsSirTone t1_j0k4t9z wrote
Good Day Blunt. Also he is scummy af.
kmp033 t1_j0m5pxr wrote
A dispensary “Roy Blunts … Blunts “
WranglerMany t1_j0myqt5 wrote
That man is a snob who looks down on veterans.
WaywardDeadite t1_j0jsdji wrote
Does the dump have a name?
Cold417 t1_j0jxgki wrote
Yes. It's called Noble Hill.
Arc-ansas t1_j0kd2a0 wrote
It's legal, smoke iit up!
ash-hole189 t1_j0l6phd wrote
Right? Just in time for legal dope.
jpd477 t1_j0laq9i wrote
With a last name like Blunt ….. 420 celebration?
clOverrated OP t1_j0lnzba wrote
Of course! He should have his own day. Make it a state holiday and give everyone a paid day off. April 20th would be perfect and I can't think of a better way to honor this humanitarian who has done sO mUcH for the people of Missouri. /s
WeekendElectronic475 t1_j0lbzld wrote
Blunt Villa
ContentPair2582 t1_j0lmpnz wrote
Blunt -O- plenty pot shop
jttIII t1_j0lu1gc wrote
A man comes out of the courthouse and stands on the courthouse steps with tablet in hand like they did in Rome and bellows the following
"Official Missouri Edict forthcoming!
The decree is as follows:
In honor of our GLORIOUS representative, Roy Dean Blunt, and in respect to his most storied and dedicated service to our great state let it be known that all male children born within the province in the year 2023 shall be named "Roy!"
ShallotExtension8175 t1_j0m6apl wrote
Blunt recreational dispensary
meadowsmay1130 t1_j0meo2n wrote
A weed dispensary (and that's only to piss him off), he doesn't deserve anything else
4myolive t1_j0mkuhh wrote
A steaming pile of dog doodle deserves his name.
[deleted] t1_j0k1wh6 wrote
Citizenchimp t1_j0lhxvg wrote
Eeeegads - seriously!?
AnnatoniaMac t1_j0lo7ov wrote
MappingClouds t1_j0ly5q5 wrote
I’m half surprised they didn’t rename hammons parkway after blunt
topcitydl t1_j0mt3g5 wrote
A dispensary?
Full-Painting5657 t1_j0nbyym wrote
Toilet at the nearest rest stop?
AttorneyTime4601 t1_j0uerum wrote
This is what happens when you help make a lot of people money with your political office.
quetzeldog t1_j16mkcb wrote
He is now having a building remodeled and named after his at Missouri State University as well 🤢
Elios000 t1_j0jsgdf wrote
ugg really
Sure_Mail_4466 t1_j0ncn5w wrote
In the Dickerson Zoo the rhinoceros pen should be renamed the Roy Blunt RINO area.
clOverrated OP t1_j0ndg05 wrote
I would never disrespect an animal in such a manner.
nickkangistheman t1_j0kwv89 wrote
The still owe rent but not allowed to go to work Roy blunt fascist covid lockdown of 2020
Tully1022 t1_j0jkbri wrote
Ouch. Little sensitive are we?
Cloud_Disconnected t1_j0jpo3m wrote
No one here has expressed offense except for you.
robzilla71173 t1_j0lsiyo wrote
They actually do seem like the only person in the conversation not butthurt.
Tully1022 t1_j0ll5i7 wrote
And apparently you.
the_honeyman t1_j0lqzc6 wrote
Do you even know what the word "offensive" means? Or are you just regurgitating whatever Facebook Russian troll bullshit you've seen your dude bro buddies post?
Tully1022 t1_j0mnhdl wrote
No, of course not. I'm not anywhere near as smart as you. :)
Cloud_Disconnected t1_j0mve3e wrote
Nope. You did the same thing in another thread. You pretend other people are offended when they aren't, and then call them snowflakes. It's you. Not them, not me. It's you who gets offended at everything. You are the sensitive snowflake.
Tully1022 t1_j0nf5jt wrote
Says the twat that searches out my prior comments. That's some funny shit right there, I don't care who you are.
Cloud_Disconnected t1_j0njd7j wrote
It was a comment on my post, genius. I responded to it.
Tully1022 t1_j0nnztc wrote
You're really taking this shit too serious, bro. Lighten up. It ain't that important to prove you comments are so much better than someone else's. K?
Tully1022 t1_j0ngprb wrote
Before I ignore you completely I just want to let you know it cracks me up that you are so sure you are 100% right in everything you believe in. You are 1 funny little munchin. Have a good life, scooter. I'm done with you.
sstruemph t1_j0jxadb wrote
Every porta potty in Missouri?