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Cloud_Disconnected t1_j1e9jhd wrote

They always do a horrible job and have as long as I can remember. You're actually better off if you live outside the city.

This article states:

> The City of Springfield says they have snow plows working 24 hours today to help keep roads clear throughout the city. They are encouraging drivers to remember to space for snowplows.

Frankly, I think that's a lie. I didn't see one city snowplow when I was out driving yesterday, nor on the traffic cameras I looked at last night. There's no evidence of plowing on the roads that I can see, either.


Goblin4Morrison t1_j1eetjo wrote

You know what temp water freezes right? We’re so so so far below that. So what’s the point of paying employees and for gas and product for something that’s just going to refreeze and they’ll have to do AGAIN. Common sense is lacking in Springfield, I know. But Jesus.


Cloud_Disconnected t1_j1eskch wrote

I didn't mention anything about salt, and my main point was that the city consistently does a poor job clearing the streets.

I mentioned the article because the city claims that plows are out keeping the roads clear when, regardless of the reason, they do not appear to be.

Reading comprehension is lacking on this sub, I know. But Jesus.


bottlefish t1_j1etwtk wrote

I mean, I saw four plows yesterday on my 15 minute drive home from work. So just because you didn’t see them doesn’t mean they aren’t out.


Cloud_Disconnected t1_j1euq81 wrote

That's fair, I'll stand corrected on that part. I genuinely didn't see them, and was out long enough that I thought I would have.


growth-or-happiness t1_j1ezhij wrote

I have ten snow plows that I rent to the city. And this year, I can’t. Because I wanted to make you frustrated. And I own a salt and gravel mine. But now here we are. Still a Nope.


growth-or-happiness t1_j1f3b4t wrote

You have to be one of those people driving an F250, lights off and a salt life sticker. That is funny as hell to me. Just learn to drive. And yes, I can be rude. A hitch with nothing to tow! HAHA oh gosh. I love this town.


Cloud_Disconnected t1_j1f7tik wrote

You replied to your own comment. Twice. Are you ok? Do you need us to call someone?


growth-or-happiness t1_j1f82qa wrote

Nope. I didn’t get it all outta my system. I did though, but not systemd though. A shame.
