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fphillips93 t1_j3q1uvw wrote

Why didn’t he just donate the $ to the GoFundMe, or take it to the attorney’s office? He said as soon as KY3 contacted him, he went to the family’s attorney’s office, rather than call or email more. I have no stake in this. But it feels fishy. It feels weird. Even in Patrick’s own admission, he said his restaurant was about to close due to hardships he was experiencing at the time this all occurred. Meh. I don’t eat there, won’t ever eat there, and don’t care one way or another. I just know he had options and chose not to use those options.


HardboiledMook t1_j3qrjct wrote

Meh, edited out my thoughts because he has been exposed for being AT LEAST incredibly stupid, worst criminal. But Tongs been the lone Thai place in town I've cared about so meh


fphillips93 t1_j3qz8tz wrote

Really? Is that a fact? I’ve only seen Springfieldians jumping to his defense and crying over KY3’s article.

I don’t have any idea. Like I said, the whole thing smells like dirty rotten Chinese fish stand fish. I just don’t have any stake to care more than that. The family didn’t ask for the fundraiser anyways, so Im not really seeing the issue. $39, which dude claims, is all patrons of the restaurant donated.


robzilla71173 t1_j3recga wrote

The $39 was just a cash collection jar. I think what's getting him into hot water is that he advertised 5% of his sales for a time period would be donated to the family. It comes out to about $2k by his estimate. I'm guessing the family is not so concerned about the money, but more mortified that a local business may have used their daughter's death to bring in customers without contacting them and then held onto the money anyway. I don't know him or them and am hoping it's all a misunderstanding because it really is pretty sketchy sounding. My advice to any small business owner is even if you intend to follow through with donations, it's really, really unwise to latch onto someone's tragedy like that. Very ethically sketchy, even if your intentions are good. I would never do something like this without reaching out to the family first.

Edit: also something I hadn't realized until just now when I read his original facebook post promoting donations and the subsequent letter from their attorney, but he implicitly encouraged people to not donate to their gofundme because it charges fees, but to give him money instead to give to them. So I can see why they're upset at the whole thing.


fphillips93 t1_j3rfw5z wrote

Yes. I can see that. I can understand the family and the public being a little irked that a business owner used the tragedy to profit. Especially in a community that appears to have given him their unconditional support before this.

I hope he makes it right with the family. If it were just money, it could be swept away. But the using their small child for gain… that’s a lot sick. That’s a tactic big corps we all despise use.