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Same-You-6523 t1_j6mwjkp wrote

This topic is so interesting to me personally because during the last 2 decades I've been prescribed literally every single ssri antidepressant that's available on the market. Is my depression anxiety well controlled? Nope. I definitely need something else.


lochlainn t1_j6ooy47 wrote

Same. Every class of SSRI, plus ECT, TMS, and ketamine.

I have a list of less than 10 that work, and I've never found found any combination that puts me anywhere near "well controlled".


Same-You-6523 t1_j6orkog wrote

Tell me what you can about the ketamine?


lochlainn t1_j6oxrm9 wrote

The drug I used was Spravato. It was a nasal mister. Twice a week I would go to my psychatrist for 2 hours, inhale it, and sit there.

It took a while to work, but it had a moderate positive benefit for me. However, it's not cheap, and when I went on medicare, they don't cover it for shit. Plus you need a driver to pick you up. There's no long term benefits, when you stop using it, the mood improvements go away.

I honestly got more benefit from levothyroxine, a thyroid medication you can get from Walmart's $4 drug list. Every psychiatrist checks your thyroid, it's a major cause of depression, but mine was completely normal. Very few psychiatrists know that taking it can still help with mood even so. 20 years of depression and I've only ever met one who suggested it and then got it prescribed by another who was willing to try it.

It just has a side effect of "mood changes". Those mood changes amount to a euphoric feeling. I had severe suicide ideation and intrusive thoughts. They dropped by like 80% within days of starting it.