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Delicious-Mouse-4681 t1_j3rqzma wrote


Trixxxxxi t1_j3rw6a8 wrote

Are all the carwashes they keep approving wanted?

Edit: but yes, plenty of people will be going there to get coffee.


SliceOfBrain OP t1_j3s18q3 wrote

Oh, God. Don't get me started on the car washes.


Trixxxxxi t1_j3s5l9r wrote

There is a new car wash AND coffee place opening on Kearney. It's next to the other 2 car washes, just down from another opening soon.


SliceOfBrain OP t1_j3sk44x wrote

Sadly, I know. I also belong to heart of the Westside.


ninti500 t1_j3s75w1 wrote

Drug dealers need new places to launder their money!


Trixxxxxi t1_j3s7oj4 wrote

Probably less local drug dealers and more foreign/out of state investors.


22TopShelf22 t1_j3u47sx wrote

I think their coffee is bad...

To all.the nimbys, what else should they do with the corner..should they put a house there and also on to match the corner at sunshine and national? Those would be houses no one would want to live in.


Trixxxxxi t1_j3uh1w4 wrote

The issue is with the drive through. A cafe/restaurant people have to park and go in would fine. From my understanding this wasn't zoned for a drive through.