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ActionFalcon t1_j3rnfcz wrote

As if the lines leaking out into the street from Chick-fil-A & Starbucks a little further up aren't bad enough, I imagine this is going to make this already congested area even more of a pain to drive in. Not to mention the popularity of Jefferson being a popular exit out of downtown, the school right there, and Bass Pro traffic just around the corner.


banjomin t1_j3rohi6 wrote

RIP people on jefferson being able to get out of their driveways.


SliceOfBrain OP t1_j3rp92t wrote

I am really surprised by how these unwanted projects get pushed through and forced upon the community. The zoning board denied them the permit several times. And yet.


aujii11 t1_j3rsw8b wrote

Remember this crap when we vote in April. The mayor and other seats are up for grabs. In the developers versus neighborhoods war, they've clearly chosen a side.


benutne t1_j3s1g6m wrote

Great. ANOTHER front for the rampant money laundering going on in Springfield.


BartTheWeapon t1_j3s2ypg wrote

This is behind a paywall for me. What changed from the last time they went to council?


Matthiasad t1_j3s92cb wrote

I think it is delicious, the blondie at least, but would love to try something even better. Where do you go that has better coffee when you're out and about? I hope it's not Classic rock because unless you get there in the early morning the only flavor they've had when I go is decaf and "house blend" which tastes like they dumped all the now stale shit left over from the morning into one pot.


Matthiasad t1_j3sajuk wrote

If only we could get them to move it from this already extremely congested area to adjacent to the nice spacious shopping center where the Whataburger is going in on West sunshine just past Bypass. Have them put a Target in that big empty unused field next to it while they're at it. I'm tired of going to the SE side of town for things, lol. I'm sure they'd get plenty of business from all the basic white bitches down the road in Republic and my lame middle-aged fat-dad-ass would be right there with em.


the_honeyman t1_j3sajt1 wrote

I couldn't care less about this project, but where is development acceptable to you all? Only on the fringes of town, pushing urban sprawl even further? I don't remember the last proposal that was posted here favorably, even mixed-use projects this demographic claims to adore.


Cthepo t1_j3sdmyi wrote

I have nothing against 7 Brew, and I get they're probably filling a legit want. It's a little dispointing in a town with so many great local places, especially coffee shops, to see another chain put another spot in. Not hating just wish we could have seen that gap filled by something local (even if chains add jobs for locals).

But I get the drive through concept is different than what we've seen. Would have been cool if Dancing Mule, Travelers, Black Lab or any of those other staples filled that niche.


dailycitizen t1_j3sepq9 wrote

Typically I'm pretty anti-NIMBY, but development for the sake of development is also un-wise.

Outside of the tax revenue and a handful of jobs, what benefits will a coffee shop in this specific location provide that will offset the large number of negatives that it will bring?


the_honeyman t1_j3sfl1n wrote

I'm not even particularly in favor of this project, but it feels like literally every proposal put forth is met with heaps of criticisms from this sub, from the Grant Ave parkway stuff to the unused space in Galloway to the National and Sunshine lots that aren't suitable in the slightest for housing anymore.

With the economic system we live in (which I'm not in favor of either, in the least) if a city isn't growing, it's dying. At the very least, I know I don't want to live in a dying city. But if all development stops, like it seems some here would prefer, that's where we'll be headed.

Edit: also, what negatives are you talking about? Increased congestion is about the only one I can think of, and even then Sunshine and Campbell is only really bad around 8am and 5 pm. The majority of the rest of the day it's fine.


Snekathan t1_j3shb6d wrote

I get it’s probably their “thing” to be friendly and social but every time I go there I swear one of the girls is practically inside of my car talking my ear off. Like actually inside my driver window, leaning on my car door and all

It’s not bad drinks but not good enough to be worth going through that painful interaction


Snekathan t1_j3sii3z wrote

I actively avoid sunshine at all hours of the day save for nighttime, I guess if you’re used to the congestion it may not be terrible but coming from other sides of town it’s a shitshow

Between chik-fil-a, Starbucks, canes, bass pro, parkview high school down the road, and all the other businesses? There’s no argument you could make in favor of putting more in this area outside of “I want coffee” that would make any sense. There’s plenty of other spots in town that would be able to better handle the extra traffic than an already-congested area


throwawayspfd t1_j3sjpfb wrote

How did the council vote? Can’t read due to pay wall. Who voted yes and who voted no?


SliceOfBrain OP t1_j3sn7hm wrote

I'm all for mixed-use development. In fact, I think the spot is great for a coffee shop. The issue for me, as well as the zoning commissioners and the majority of the surrounding neighborhood, is the drive-thru. Specifically, it's a very large drive-thru. We have already seen chic fil a's drive-thru cause congestion and accidents just down the road. The lot's size and location (across from an elementary school) just can't accommodate it. That's why it had a zoning restriction on it to begin with. A coffee shop or any other business without a drive-thru could have used the land without having to push it through countless zoning and council meetings. In the current case, the shop won't benefit and integrate with the actual community that will live around it. It's important to think about development in terms of placemaking. In other words, are we developing places we want to spend time in? Or are we developing disparate, quick destinations that you simply drive to and leave (drive-thru). That said, I understand that we don't attract a lot of fitting projects, so it feels like we are too picky and should settle for anything that feels like it could benefit the local economy even a little. However, these choices tend to haunt us when they become trends. And once the quick spurt it has on the economy tires out, the city still has to keep up with the surrounding infrastructure... and what are we left with? A chain drive-thru that employs a handful of people and makes it even harder for parents to walk their children to school?


the_honeyman t1_j3soix6 wrote

Hey look! A thoughtful, comprehensive response!

Again, I'm not trying to argue for this particular project. But when the same reasons get trotted out for the opposition to every single development project, often immediately after mourning the lack of mixed-use development, it gets old.

Not saying you did that here, it's just the majority of the arguments I see.


SliceOfBrain OP t1_j3sp0tx wrote

Here is an article without a paywall. It lists the council votes, too.

"Three councilmembers — Monica Horton, Criag Hosmer, and Mike Schilling — remained OPPOSED to the project. Councilwoman Heather Hardinger was not present for the vote"

Also, it was proposed that the city put up a median, but I don't think it's happening. If it does, the city has to pay for it.

One last note:

"Councilman Schilling said he fears the "Glenstone-ification" of that primarily residential stretch of Sunshine Street."


toucansammi t1_j3srfdk wrote

I’ve heard rumors of a mini target near that location which like…. Ok??? Who is asking for that?

The fields behind Walmart that are currently under construction are going to be another ill-placed and overpriced subdivision


WittyMatt t1_j3sthqt wrote

All bow to the all mighty dollar I guess. I wish we could be okay with spaces in the city just being grass but apparently a coffee shop in view of a Starbucks is exactly what this city needs instead. Can't wait for the 10's of high paying definitely not minimum wage jobs this will create. A boost to the economy for sure. When it closes in 3 years we might get lucky and it'll turn into a revolving used car dealership


Matthiasad t1_j3t5fzs wrote

Are you a fan of darker roasts? Most of the people I know that enjoy Starbucks tend to prefer a darker roast, but to me, it just tastes like burnt coffee. I prefer a light-medium roast. That said, I have not tried those other places and will have to seek them out in the near future.


Matthiasad t1_j3t5rjs wrote

Yea, I usually do as well. It feels like a waste to buy coffee from places like that often, they're so expensive compared to what it costs to make coffee. I only go there when I have a lot of errands to run and want some coffee halfway through.


22TopShelf22 t1_j3u47sx wrote

I think their coffee is bad...

To all.the nimbys, what else should they do with the corner..should they put a house there and also on to match the corner at sunshine and national? Those would be houses no one would want to live in.


biergarten t1_j3ub07x wrote

If there is any place that needs four lanes of traffic, its a lot across the street from a school.


arcticmischief t1_j3ubk7a wrote

It’s a third wave coffee place in the vein of Ethic, Architect, etc. The focus is on the coffee itself, not the creative drinks. Go for the espresso drink that fits your espresso:milk ratio preference (I’m a cappuccino guy) or if you like brewed coffee, a pour-over.

That said, they usually have a couple of seasonal drinks on their menu worth checking out. Every now and then, I’ll get their lavender-honey iced latte thing.

The breakfast burritos are amazing. I actually prefer the vegetarian one.


Cooldude588 t1_j3utztw wrote

Glad i moved out of Cambridge park was pissed when they built the 7 brew there.


NotBatman81 t1_j3zogp8 wrote

Calm your shit about the drive thru. They don't sell chicken so its gonna be fine.


VaderTower t1_j40cdtw wrote

It's numbers, demographics, and market research.

Things get built in locations that meets those metrics. It would make money where you're talking, but obviously they've crunched their numbers and this is the location that makes sense. Otherwise they wouldn't have fought so damn hard.

My guess is that they're trying to cluster themselves near Starbucks in town. Starbucks also has big money to do all that research, then just copy what they do, while also using clustering.


mistole528 t1_j4nx4xr wrote

Yes!!! There are so many neighborhoods to the west of West Bypass and no nearby coffee. Trailer Perk coffee is opening a permanent location on Chestnut, across from Missouri Mikes. But there’s so much space near Bypass and Sunshine. Plus tons of people commuting in from Republic, Aurora, etc.