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feralfantastic t1_j44fm9r wrote

No. She hasn’t. She should be in jail. She isn’t.

If regulations aren’t working, you change the regulations, or you step up enforcement, or both.

These animals are too fragile to be owned by people that cannot manage them. You should need a license to own them, should not be allowed to have fertile ones without paying a substantial annual fee, and the fines associated with failing to follow this should be ruinously expensive or result in the death of the animal in question. This should eliminate the breed over time, or keep it in the hands of people that can control it best.


ProgressMom68 t1_j44p2qh wrote

This is the most logical solution I’ve seen yet. I would add to it, requiring a minimum of $100k liability insurance.


Low_Tourist t1_j45s95i wrote

Most insurance companies won't insure pits. It's a common issue with many breeds like Boxers, Rotts and Dobies, too.


HarryTheHangryHippo t1_j44i2fw wrote

Welcome to Missouri where we have an endless number of puppy mills and irresponsible breeders. There's a much larger problem than just the dogs themselves. Inside of green county you are technically suppose to have them registered which is similar to having a license. If I'm wrong please correct me. That didn't change anything.
