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417spacewizard t1_j4kwp1f wrote

Why are you so nosy?


[deleted] t1_j4kzi91 wrote



417spacewizard t1_j4l1pnr wrote

If they were a resident they probably would try to go home and ask one of the officers on the seen if it was ok to roll through

There was an officer involved shooting in my neighborhood a while ago and I would not turn around and post on Reddit if I was trying to get home.


Cold417 t1_j4kzava wrote

Reddit got a real big Nextdoor vibe goin' on these days.


Wrinklestiltskin t1_j4kzrxg wrote

Man it's been that way in this sub for the last 10 years. I'm guilty of making one or two nosy posts myself over the years.


Digital-Latte t1_j4mv9kk wrote

They might know someone that lives there and aren’t able to get ahold of them.


PixelSteel t1_j4mywc2 wrote

you definitely got briggaded on


lifeinmisery t1_j4l6uyz wrote

Apparently they don't like you calling them out...


Snekathan t1_j4lmsz6 wrote

Idk why you got downvoted 🤷‍♀️

If this subreddit keeps going the way it is, we’re gonna end up like the WTF Springfield Facebook page
