Submitted by Upper_Case_655 t3_10eks8s in springfieldMO
pssssn t1_j4rokm2 wrote
I don't understand how the phrase "rise up" counteracts patriot front propaganda. To me side by side they look like the same thing.
I disagree that we need to step up. I've seen a half dozen posts of people scraping off this Nazi shit the second they see it.
Jimithyashford t1_j4runqb wrote
I REALLY don’t like branding eye anti-nazi effort as a pro anarchism effort.
Nazism is all of our problem, whether we are anarchist or not. I fucking hate Nazis. I fight against Nazis. But I also happen to think that anarchism is a terrible idea.
I personally, from a strategic standpoint, would rather the anti-nazi effort being just and only that, an anti nazi effort, not a vehicle for propagating or promoting anarchism. So that way the anti-nazi effort is universalized.
Obviously the people printing these stickers don’t agree, they obviously think anarchism is great and think branding the fight against Nazis as an anarchism effort is appropriate.
I would just like to advise that’s not the best idea. Reasonable and good people can both hate Nazis and also not be keen on anarchy.
Cold417 t1_j4rwy0x wrote
If it weren't for this subreddit, I'd never hear of these losers.
Trixxxxxi t1_j4rypna wrote
I saw one sticker once at a gas station and that's it.
If you see a sticker remove it and move on with your life.
Evanpik64 t1_j4rzujn wrote
I tore down an Info Wars sticker the other day, imagine being stupid enough to bootlick on that level lol
Javaridge t1_j4s06f6 wrote
I wouldn't even know about these idiots if it wasn't for a few people posting it on Reddit. Just food for thought.
Edit: after looking at OP's history, it appears that he/she is the only one making the posts I've seen. Odd. Maybe get a hobby? There are a lot of bad people in the world and some losers with crazy ideas putting stickers around town is probably pretty low on the fucked up scale. IMO. To each their own!
genmischief t1_j4s18cz wrote
>I saw one sticker once at a gas station and that's it.
>If you see a sticker remove it and move on with your life.
Or just, move on with your life and let the property owners deal with it as they see fit?
var23 t1_j4s1exx wrote
Yeah…. I’m not so sure they’re “taking over” anything…
banjomin t1_j4s1ktt wrote
Nah, it’s every citizen’s responsibility to oppose fascism.
banjomin t1_j4s1y7f wrote
Well you’re writing Reddit comments complaining about that person, maybe point that lens of criticism at a mirror.
Trixxxxxi t1_j4s24g7 wrote
I agree with this, but also these posts are what they want. Makes it look like it's some big movement taking over when it's just some limp dicked loser putting up stickers places he goes.
Javaridge t1_j4s2l4v wrote
Not complaining. I'm just pointing out that OP is probably doing as much promoting as the idiots in the group are.
banjomin t1_j4s312p wrote
I would call that complaining, it’s weird that you can identify OP as complaining but you can’t admit you’re doing it.
Maybe your ego doesn’t let you look at the possibility you’ve done something dumb.
Trixxxxxi t1_j4s38hd wrote
This isn't how you change peoples minds.
RobCali509 t1_j4s3iq0 wrote
Ok, keep us posted.
Javaridge t1_j4s3iyp wrote
Did I ever say that OP was complaining? And that's fine if you feel like I am. Jesus christ. Not everything is an argument. You can call it whatever you'd like.
At the end of the day, literally the only reason I know about this group that is "taking over" Springfield is because of OP. Not because of anything or anyone other than OP. That's the only point I was making.
banjomin t1_j4s3zg5 wrote
Oh no, a fascist is letting me know that it’s a bad idea to oppose them. How surprising.
banjomin t1_j4s43p1 wrote
Yeah, every fascist will say that opposing what they’re doing is the wrong thing to do. It’s just part of being a fascist.
banjomin t1_j4s482v wrote
It’s a weird world to live in where you think you have to say “I am making a complaint” to be complaining.
banjomin t1_j4s4p1o wrote
Yeah, cuz we’ve never been surprised by the organizing capabilities of these types of people before…
Javaridge t1_j4s4r4y wrote
It's apparent that your goal is to argue, even though you have nothing to say contrary to the point I made. Now's a good time to move on. I'll do the same. Have a good day!
Trixxxxxi t1_j4s4ren wrote
I'll let it slide since based on your post history its very clear you are a child. Once your brain has fully developed we can talk.
banjomin t1_j4s4w71 wrote
Well, ad hom attacks are for losers with bad arguments
banjomin t1_j4s51ue wrote
Seems like this would have been a good thing to tell yourself before making your initial comment.
turbulance4 t1_j4s73wd wrote
Is it tho? Is it really "taking over"? Because a couple guys printed some stickers out of their garage?
EngryEngineer t1_j4s8j05 wrote
Love the vaporwave aesthetic and all, but before you print too many maybe touch up the kerning? looks like RIS E IP
NihiliSloth t1_j4sdg02 wrote
You do realize not many people are going to even notice stuff like this, right? Most people are out and about living their lives.
However, when I do notice ignorant stickers, flags, or signs, I just laugh. If someone is pathetic enough to make this kind of stuff their entire lives, they deserve to be laughed at. And most people are going to just laugh at them.
[deleted] t1_j4se5n4 wrote
Cloud_Disconnected t1_j4sei43 wrote
That's a bit hyperbolic. By your rationale Salt Life must have long since overthrown the city government, or at least have installed a number of proxies through which they plan to launch some kind of maritime-themed revolution.
VaderTower t1_j4sjbid wrote
Bring a knife and scrape it off, we don't need tons of stickers at Busiek.
StonksAndBlondz t1_j4sjzgk wrote
Patriot front is feds
dirtydan t1_j4skd9i wrote
In a city that's geographically as far from an ocean as one can get in the lower 48. Crazy? Like a fox!
youngpunk420 t1_j4sl5y3 wrote
That's so trashy. Almost makes me feel unsafe. I always go walking there alone. I guess it's probably because there's a shooting range that attracts those kind of people. I'd be down to remove that stupid shooting range. I think busiek is the best place to walk because it's only like 25 minutes away and it's not paved. Frisco is paved and it's kind of boring for walking. Busiek is the best one unless I want to drive an hour or more.
MrZanzinger t1_j4smoug wrote
It’s 100% that shooting range. Any unsupervised shooting range brings out people that have no right to own firearms.
Upper_Case_655 OP t1_j4sn645 wrote
I feel the very same way. I don’t feel safe there either anymore. There are racist stickers everywhere there. They must visit often. There is way too many in town for it to be only a handful of people as well IMO.
youngpunk420 t1_j4sna6v wrote
We should put a report in or something. Who do we complain to? The conservation department maybe
VEI8 t1_j4sq6re wrote
It is an unsupervised Dept. Of Conservation range. Complaining to them would be a good idea.
[deleted] t1_j4srax8 wrote
plated_lead t1_j4stsu6 wrote
I spotted some of these idiots’ tags by the James River power station. Fuck these d bags
Iron_Worker_ t1_j4suwk0 wrote
The Live, Laugh, Love people are much scarier.
Low_Tourist t1_j4sw3md wrote
That Venn diagram has a big overlapping section
elaborate_hoxha t1_j4t1k4m wrote
Guarantee it’s one, maybe two people in this area. Shockingly this hate/terrorist group isn’t recruiting the best and brightest… they had their database of vandalism and hate crime videos leaked last year.
-Valued_Customer- t1_j4t25mi wrote
I basically agree, but the matter is a little more complicated than that. The motivation, I suspect, is to come at fascism with not just opposition, but offering a positive alternative. Fascism doesn’t make gains because the problems it claims to fix are completely imagined, after all.
For many liberals, that alternative would be (of course) liberalism. But the fact is that now and throughout history, it’s always and only been the “far” Left that’s taken to the streets when the fascists come knocking. Liberals have tended to voice disagreement up until the point where it becomes unsafe to do so, at which point they either drop out, die, or comply.
[deleted] t1_j4t70fz wrote
Cloud_Disconnected t1_j4tbtsy wrote
It's two barely offset circles.
Jimithyashford t1_j4tmz1c wrote
I don’t think that is, historically speaking, true. After all the single largest and costliest anti-fascist effort in human history was carried out by an alliance between the government la and citizens of the communist authoritarian left and the average post enlightenment neo-liberal western nation governments and citizenry….no?
That is to say, I suspect that a remarkably small % of those who fought in or supported the fight against Nazis and Italian racism were the far left of their day. The far left obviously participated, of course, but were only one very small slice of the anti-fascist pie, and of course woefully inadequate to the task of defeating them alone.
Thus kinda my point. Anti-fascism should be universalized to pretty much all of us that aren’t fascists and Nazis. Not branded as the effort of one particular ideology.
I just don’t think it’s a very wise idea, and I am advising against it.
But the kind of people willing to print up a bunch of stickers with an anarchy sign on them aren’t likely, obviously, to agree with me.
Jimithyashford t1_j4tn3v6 wrote
Or….do your small part or oppose fascism. Ya know…like a decent sensible morally sane human being.
Jimithyashford t1_j4tnbai wrote
I mean, it’s easy to say “awh, ignore it, just laugh” but these are the same fuckers that did the unite the right rally and killed a lady. These are the same people that go out and play war in their Militia groups in the forest. It’s easy to say “awh just ignore it” until someone ends up hurt or dead.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
That’s just common sense.
lochlainn t1_j4toldc wrote
Frankly, they have to be so obtuse it could be anything. At first look it looked like an 80's themed Rush sticker. I mean, is Rush even alive anymore, let alone touring?
It's got so little information on it it could be from a dozen groups, if not hundreds. "Rise up" isn't exactly a trade marked phrase.
So the guys printing these up at Kinko's and pasting them everywhere aren't exactly getting any sort of message across, except to the mouth breathers who already know the code, so this is so much mental static that's gonna get ignored.
VoidDemon0226 t1_j4tustt wrote
Although it's scary to see I'm glad to see that even with different views Springfield as a community is taking down these stickers whenever possible and keeping tabs on it. I know it annoys some people but the idea of a community helping each other is a nice thought.
I've ordered from that group before. They have a linktree where they do post their sticker packs. Decent packs to receive, I like Bad Dragon stickers better lol they're funnier.
VoidDemon0226 t1_j4tv7yg wrote
"Rise Up" is the anarchist sticker. The sticker it's covering which barely says "United" is the Patriot Front fascist sticker.
lochlainn t1_j4twk6o wrote
Oh, lol. That's my bad. What does it say?
VoidDemon0226 t1_j4twqgt wrote
You're good!
From what I remember just from tearing down a similar sticker at the mall it says "United We Stand" with a hand holding a bundle of arrows - which is a common symbol used by Fascists (altho not explicitly a fascist symbol) and then it has their website url at the bottom as always.
-Valued_Customer- t1_j4tyy8c wrote
Certainly, once the fascists seize control of a major global power and begin annexing surrounding countries, all bets are off. But I’m not talking about international politics; I’m talking about the domestic response to fascism.
turbulance4 t1_j4u5o7l wrote
> after looking at OP's history, it appears that he/she is the only one making the posts I've seen. Odd. Maybe get a hobby?
Maybe they are the ones putting up the patriot front stickers too. Just to make it look like they have something to oppose.
TapdotWater t1_j4uaz2r wrote
Un-American Attitude. Nazism is a traitor's ideology: if you see something, you do something.
NihiliSloth t1_j4ui3i1 wrote
I wouldn’t even know about this group if it wasn’t for people on Reddit posting about them. I doubt many other people have actually heard of them (as evidence by some people stating the same thing I just did).
And people posting about their stickers isn’t going to prevent them from doing anything harmful. It won’t stop them from hurting people. You can’t stop people from doing what they want. And I doubt they are recruiting people with these stickers. Like I said, most normal and sane people aren’t even noticing them. The law can take care of them after they have done something though.
MorphinDorphin t1_j4utao7 wrote
Does anybody want to make some vapor wave “Sit down” stickers?
NeopolitanLol t1_j4utowt wrote
" fascist " lol
[deleted] t1_j4v1vpd wrote
[deleted] t1_j4v1wb7 wrote
Starportalskye t1_j4v4zjg wrote
Make stickers about it
Jimithyashford t1_j4v7tlf wrote
I also don’t think I it is accurate or true that out of the, probably, thousands of fascist surges that have taken place across the countries of the world in the last century, that it was the far left that did the work to quash those. It’s the average citizenry and standard institutions of a country, wherever they happen to fall on the political spectrum, that serve to keep those influences repressed. It’s not like everyone else could care less and it’s only these anarchist nazi-buster groups going around doing the work. I simply don’t think that’s historically accurate.
What I do think is historically accurate is that when a country becomes destabilized by radicalizing influences, the other radicalizing influences in the same country often become more extreme in response to that environment. But I’d say, again historically speaking, that rarely makes things better.
But clearly you aren’t a Dum Dum, and must have something in mind when you are saying these things. So maybe that would help me understand your position. Can you tell me what historical case you are thinking of where the average citizenry of a country shrunk away from standing up to fascism and it was left to the anarchist or other far left influences to save the day? The only such occurrences I can think of are times when the far left wing that took over turned out to be just as authoritarian and bad as what they supplanted, and nobody thinks of them as having saved the day in hindsight. As far as I’m concerned authoritarianism is the bad guy of the story of the 20th century and whether that authoritarianism wears a lefty or a righty coat isn’t terribly relevant.
But I’ll wait for your examples you have in mind. Thanks.
Jimithyashford t1_j4v8ddw wrote
I guess there’s no point debating about something mattering with a nihilist right?
I will just say your idea of social responsibility is, in my view, anemic. You benefit from the actions and intuitions of others who have a better civic sense than you. I guess that’s as it should be.
NihiliSloth t1_j4v8zm5 wrote
I do care about things. But stickers are the least of my worries.
If I cared about what every single person did online or in real life, I’d probably lose my mind. Much like the people who make politic topics their entire personality and life. They live a pretty miserable existence policing everyone 24/7.
But hey, at least you are paying attention. Most people don’t understand it’s useless trying to argue with me 😁
Jimithyashford t1_j4v9dlg wrote
You might wanna work on that.
And yes, I agree that you can’t spend your whole life worrying about every little thing.
But when others are worrying about something that matters, don’t butt in and nay say. Understand that even if you don’t personally care, it’s still worthwhile, and if you can’t be supportive then at least be silent. Why on earth would you be in here criticizing people that are trying to take down nazi advertising?
ninjastyleot t1_j4ve264 wrote
Nothing like spreading your message via Hot Topic sticker rejects.
[deleted] t1_j4vewbb wrote
robzilla71173 t1_j4vi1ea wrote
It isn't really the shooting range that makes it trashy, it's the fact that it's only 25 minutes away and a straight shot off of the highway so it draws lots of crowds of people who are looking for something with easy access. It's been trashy for decades, and I would wager a lot of those people don't even know it extends to the west and has a shooting range. If you want something less sketchy and close I'd recommend Sac Woods or Pleasant Hope up 13, or Compton Hollow out east by Northview. They're smaller but they're closer and less crowded and way less chewed up. In fact I can say from personal experience that PH has never had any issues with nazis or otherwise unsavory types and until a couple of years ago they also had an unsupervised shooting range.
Also fyi the Frisco is only paved up to Willard and in Bolivar, so if you drive another 8 miles or so down 160 from the Kearney trailhead it's unpaved for the next 20+ miles.
irishtiger36 t1_j4vi8ty wrote
Considering the attacks on power grids lately, it might be worth keeping an eye on that. These chuds are using the withered fruits of GOP austerity against us: Small groups attacking atrophied utilities that will destabilize an entire region.
robzilla71173 t1_j4vjl8n wrote
Is this the PF sticker? It looks like an 80's Christian rock album cover had a baby with the Avenger's logo. Like if I saw this on a door I'd expect to find jacked dudes tearing phone books for Jesus to a thumping bassline on the other side.
robzilla71173 t1_j4vw5lr wrote
I also thought this was the nazi sticker, though I got a late 80s Christian rock vibe from it rather than Rush (I thought it said "risen" in old eighties pop font).
Moosey_78 t1_j4vwxe8 wrote
I'm confused. Which side is rising up?
Antique-Way-216 t1_j4w52v0 wrote
Maybe they don't like you walking there who should they complain to?
armenia4ever t1_j4wcpii wrote
Same and I follow quite a few peeps in "rightish" circles. The only time I ever hear about Patriot Front is about tearing down their stickers.
At least it gives some of the LARP antifa types something to do.
genmischief t1_j4wd0fl wrote
Spoken like a true keyboard warrior.
genmischief t1_j4wd3hg wrote
Never heard of her. Is she new wave or grunge?
TapdotWater t1_j4wfuha wrote
You're literally advocating for inaction, hypocrite lmfao
BetterMakeAnAccount t1_j4wgwy0 wrote
Idk if this is one of them but somebody put a Pepe sticker on the McDonald’s drive thru menu at the glenstone and cherry location
ar9750 t1_j4wisda wrote
> By your rationale Salt Life must have long since overthrown the city government
This is more true than you'd think.
genmischief t1_j4wy0o7 wrote
You're literally saying removing a sticker will make a difference. How can you come to that conclusion? I suppose you then would advocate to slather OTHER stickers you agree with on more private property?
In the end, the guy who owns the property is the one left with everything covered in stickers. Thats the only change that will happen.
-Valued_Customer- t1_j4wy1yv wrote
My AOS is philosophy, whereas it sounds like you’re wanting to get into the weeds of history. I know a bit about that, of course, but rather than give you a spotty and sub-Wikipedia recounting of names and dates, I’d feel more comfortable/less embarrassed directing you toward actual historians like Mark Bray, whose Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook came to prominence a few years back for obvious reasons.
It would probably be more productive for me to clarify some things that I think may have been misunderstood: I never said that it’s always and only been the radical Left who “saves the day.” Far from it, in fact: they usually fail! And in some cases, far-left organizations and parties unwittingly assist fascists in seizing power, as the German Communist Party did in the Weimar years by refusing to go into coalition with the more moderate Social Democrats (you can always count on a communist to do the wrong thing for the right reasons).
However, when it comes to taking to the streets to protect communities directly and confront fascists and their propaganda face-to-face, it has practically always been the far left—and anarchists in particular—that has stepped up to the plate. Think about it: when's the last time you saw a group of liberals get in a street fight with fascists? I am certain it's happened before, but there's a reason they're not known for it.
I suspect the reason liberals tend to be largely ineffective against fascism at a certain point is because an ascendant fascist party isn't really possible without institutions that have been significantly weakened or hijacked by bad actors. Since liberals by definition operate within and through those institutions, they are naturally going to be ineffective as fascists amass power.
As for your point about totalitarianism being the Big Bad of the 20th century, I would probably agree in a very limited and provisional sense; the problem with that diagnosis is that "totalitarianism" isn't well-defined. It seems to me that capitalism is every bit as "total" as Soviet communism was, in that it's impossible to live one's life outside of it if you live in the US or any other Western liberal democracy. Like Soviet state socialism, it dictates every facet of life, from who gets what goods (fry cooks ain't driving Teslas) to who gets to live and die (thanks, American imperialism, criminal justice system, and healthcare!). However, because it's "the market" that decides this and not some Soviet apparatchick, it's "better." Maybe so! But better or not, it's not any less omnipresent and inescapable for it.
TapdotWater t1_j4wze85 wrote
I didn't say tearing down a sticker would make a difference, I said it is your duty as an American citizen to always act against nazism and other ideologies hostile to our values and political system. That means tearing down stickers, protesting & counter protesting, voting, and if it comes down to it, exercising your 2nd Amendment Rights to their fullest extent to ensure the continuation of Democracy.
Or, you can sit back and let the rest of us do it--thats perfectly fine, you don't want to stick your neck out and do something with yourself, I get it. That's risky. It's much safer to be apathetic, to be acted upon by the world. Carry on as you will, but you shouldn't try and convince other people that the Coward's Lifestyle is superior. At best, you just come off as looking like a boring moderate who just repeats talking points you've picked up on NPR, and not a lot of people find folk like that interesting.
genmischief t1_j4x1sr5 wrote
>other ideologies hostile to our values as a nation.
You hit on something there. This is entirely perspective based.
You see, I think fascists, anti-fascists, extreme right and left... their ALL morons.
We beat the nazi's. They aren't back. The allies beat them SO BADLY that they are STILL IN HIDING in Brazil, dying off. What we have in the US, those aren't NAZIs. I mean, they say they are NAZI's but the actual NAZIs would have shot them on sight. First... we had the brownshirts. People who preyed upon the people of the time and either allied them up, or targeted them.
Do you know where the NAZIs came from? We got the brownshirts, then crystalnacht, and then finally the National Socialist Workers Party who lead to a military power through petty payback and overreaching intolerance from the closure of WW1.
The Treaty of Versais. Germany got squeezed for EVERY THING THEY COULD GET OUT OF THEM. It created a nation of people who couldnt afford housing, decent educations, and highly volitle uncertain futures. Then add to that all of the single parent households after their young men and husbands died in the trenches of France to American, French, and English forces. (by the way, does this sound familiar at all? Single parent homes, rampant inequality, low wages and sketchy education?)
So these people and their position created by the war and the treaty, used that treaty as a rallying cry. Proud people who needed something to beleive in and be a part of, a way to rebuild. I think you probably know the rest worked out... Dont forget ole hitler was the Time magazine Man of the Year at one point. ;)
Now, NEO-Nazis.... what we have are a bunch of nonces who THINK they are NAZIs, but are ineffectual, unpalatable, and mostly irreedemable. They are problematic, and can do harm on a small scale, but for the most part they are a symptom of the times. There is no WAY these guys will ever form a military, a viable political party (or coop one), or an anyway affect the world in a meaningful way as an organzation. Anyone who is smart enough to actually start organzign something at that scale is going to be smart enough to understand how tragically flawed that idelogical path really is.
Domestic Terrorism, of course, is a whole different animal where one person can appear as much more. But I digress, different topic, different time. :)
Does any of this help illustrate why A:) I'm, sick to death of the whole thing and B:) I find the idea of peeling a sticker being my American duty to be utterly laughable?
Jimithyashford t1_j4x4qmd wrote
To the whole top portion of your reply, good context on where you are coming from. I'm no slouch on political philosophy myself, but I find history to be more informative. Political Philosophy is only one ingredient, often times running a distant second or third in importance to other ingredients. History tells us the cake that actually came out of the oven. The end result cake is what actually manifests in reality and actually hurts or helps us, and is what really matters. Not that the philosophy side isn't useful and interesting.
So, with that in mind, once ounce of historic precedent is worth a 10 pounds of theory and philosophy, at least in my book.
"However, when it comes to taking to the streets to protect communities directly and confront fascists and their propaganda face-to-face, it has practically always been the far left—and anarchists in particular—that has stepped up to the plate."
Again, I simply do not think you are correct on the basic facts.
All of the largest and most effective social demonstrations of the last several generations have involved the far left, sure. Sometimes even had leadership comprised of or at least including the far left, but the effort was carried out by a great many people of varying ideologies.
MLK was arguably among the far left of his day, sure, but the million man march wasn't a million far left radicals. Hell it wasn't even a majority of far left radicals, the participants consisted largely of a mass of somewhat left of center and centrist folks who agreed on that issue, but otherwise likely wildly disagreed on a great many things.
The BLM rallies weren't streets packed with radical anarchists. Radicals were among them sure, but a very large percent of those who attended (not counting as "legitimate" attendees the agitators and miscreants just where to capitalized on the chaos of course), were people who agreed and cared very strongly about THIS issue, but otherwise had a variety of political and ideological leanings.
Since we are talking about the Patriot Front who spun off of other groups in the aftermath of the Unite the Right rally in 2016, let's talk about the counter protest at Unite the Right where that lady got killed. Not a throng of radical anarchist lefties. People of massively varying ideologies, generally left of center, who's common factor was not liking the Alt right.
The same can be said for literally any large scale protesting against some sort of authoritarianism. How about back to the Occupy Wallstreet movements? Disaffected youth mostly, I'd be willing to put $1000 bucks down that if you could dig up a few hundred of the occupy wallstreet protestors as a random sampling and ask them what their political ideology was then, and is now, you'd have a very small percentage self identifying as anarchist, and only somewhat more than average identifying as any variety of far left.
So yeah, in terms of social action against harmful authoritarianism that actually has some efficacy, I think you are flat wrong about there being any particular correlation between participation in that and the "far left".
But, I am missing a nuance to your point, and I know I am, and I am getting to it. If what you are saying is that if you have a rally where the nazi guys are carrying sonnenrad shields and paramilitary getups and posturing violently, but not actually carrying out any attempted power grab or violence, which group is mostly likely to show up with their own balaclavas and scarves and bike helmets, and posture violent back at them, and potentially get into a street brawl. Then yeah I agree that's probably gonna be your more radical lefty element. But that's also completely worthless and likely actually makes things worse.
If you are talking about the above scenario but the nazis are actually attempting wide spread violence or a power grab, then it will be the actual police and/or armed forces that put a stop to that, not a biker gang of anarchist college kids.
If the nazis have entered congress and slowly taken political power, then the party that will step up to stop them is the moderate element that occupies the opposing caucus, and the voters who elect them. Once again, not the anarchists.
As far as I can tell, there is no level on which the anarchist response is genuinely meaningful or helpful or anything other than hollow chest thumping unless it is allied to a much larger body of the average citizenry.
All we are then left with is "are the anarchist more likely to bluster back at them?" and maybe I'll grant you that, sure, but that's not really saying much.
And I'm not saying anarchists SHOULDN'T oppose Nazis, of course they should, I am just saying that being an anarchist has nothing to do with it, we all should.
And to your point about totalitarianism, I'll try to keep it short. I didn't say totalitarianism, I said authoritarianism. if I were to be more specific, I'd say nationalist populist authoritarianism especially. Even more especially of the brand centered around a key charismatic figure or dynasty.
And to your last point about totalitarianism not being well defined. I'd encourage you not to get hung up on that. None of this is well defined, and in fact it can't be. What is the far left even? Ask some people it means those who want to abolish currency and live in a network of loosely allied kubutzes. Ask some others and the far left means anyone who thinks universal healthcare might be a good idea. What does anarchism even mean? Ask 20 different anarchists at random and you'll get at least 3 or 4 distinct notions.
I have learned through hard conversations that almost all political labels are a sort of fuzzy contextual bell curve. Is that frustrating and inconvenient? Sure, but that's just how it be.
giftedgaia t1_j50n4pr wrote
“If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all.”
― Noam Chomsky
VoidDemon0226 t1_j52d38m wrote
Chomsky sucks
Youandiandaflame t1_j52o44m wrote
Dude, “you’re a weird bootlicker” and “let’s ban this person from speaking ever anywhere” aren’t remotely the same, ffs.
SneakAttackSax t1_j4rkn9v wrote
I think I've seen that Patriot Front placed stickers all over Busiek, maybe while the weather is good we can cover up or remove those.