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topflight8000 t1_j4xbfls wrote

A cult?

A secret church with members who mostly wear a dark aesthetic........yes


Cloud_Disconnected t1_j4xhiwc wrote

Stop talking about it!


420shaken t1_j4xwf7h wrote

First rule of snob club:. Don't talk about the poor and unfortunate. They will go to H E double hockey sticks anyways.


420shaken t1_j4yd2n9 wrote

Interesting. I got a notice of 5 up votes but at this moment I only have 4. Did I offend someone in the cult? Please don't pray for me. The blood of jesus is difficult to wash off when it's soiled with greed and misguided piety.


Cloud_Disconnected t1_j4yp71l wrote

Reddit uses vote fuzzing, refresh a few times and you'll see that your vote count goes up and down a little.

Also, we weren't talking about that kind of church. We were talking about something... else. Something secret. Something wonderful. Something terrible. It is forbidden to say more, hence my admonition to stop talking about it.

Now I must go listen to Cradle of Filth and make my night complete.