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deborah_jai t1_j64f8yz wrote

We know. No one cares. If they cared they wouldn’t have voted him in.


armenia4ever t1_j64rk1i wrote

His opponent Radaker-Sheafer should have ran as a Repub. I'm from Illinois so I'm used to people reflexively voting Dem without knowing anything about them. Here's its the exact opposite in some ways.

I didn't research much about her prior to the election, but there's nothing insanely radical that would turn off most GOP voters. No CRT virtue signaling, abortion at any time, etc.

Hope to see her run again for any office. The California approach isn't the worst idea in somewhere like MO. There you would run as a Dem. Here you would run as a Repub.


Lkaufman05 t1_j64tf49 wrote

Most Missouri politicians are…cause the voters who put them there are as well unfortunately.


robzilla71173 t1_j652ajb wrote

He's also an idiot who will vote as he's told and never do anything original or useful for his constituents. I predict a man who will make Billy Long look like a master statesman. Unfortunately any dog turd can win that seat as long as they win the republican nomination, and until local republicans demand better, we'll keep getting turds.


Adventurous_Wind4982 t1_j656xfx wrote

I herd he doesn't want kids to be able to go to drag shows or taught about how racist the whites are. What a pig. Hate him


willardharrisupvotes t1_j666mxp wrote

He was a strong advocate for barring homeless people from sleeping on public land. It’s just more of that out of sight-out of mind ideology the GOP pushes. I’m running for his seat in 2024 and will be on the house floor everyday fighting for affordable housing nationwide


GimmeAMalt t1_j66dvpv wrote

He supports making Missouri a “right to work for less” state.



EdMonMo t1_j66syoj wrote

You might think again about running against him. You might have to withdraw like you did in your last attempt to enter public service. Big boasts on a Redit thread don't get you elected. Results do and you don't have any....


willardharrisupvotes t1_j66ucrx wrote

I’ve given this a lot of thought and will be running against him. Unlike my last campaign where I was confined to a small ward, this is a federal district and I have no reason to move out of it. Thanks for the criticism though 😊


Always_0421 t1_j6avsfy wrote

>It wouldn't have taken very many votes…

Jay Wasson, the runner up to Burlison, had nearly 20k total votes, 13k+ short of the 33k+ Burlison pulled to win the primary.

The winner of the dem primary had 11k total votes; just over 17k TOTAL dems votes in the primary on a democratic ticket

Seems pretty unlikely to be able to pull a bit more than 75% of the Democratic primary votes to a single candidate on the Republican ticket.