Recent comments in /f/springfieldMO
Jay91Doss t1_jefpat3 wrote
Reply to What the fuck is happening on Glenstone by ___shoe___
the motorcyclist was cut off from the truck and slammed into the side of it. the 18 yr old died on impact
indicaclouds420 t1_jefp8n8 wrote
Reply to comment by Icy-Tangerine6465 in Anyone on the south side feel like giving me a ride to BLOOM dispensary? I have gas money by [deleted]
Anyone 21+ can take advantage of their services.
Icy-Tangerine6465 t1_jefoust wrote
Reply to comment by indicaclouds420 in Anyone on the south side feel like giving me a ride to BLOOM dispensary? I have gas money by [deleted]
Does that help me out or are you just relaying? Like can I get in on that? Lol
indicaclouds420 t1_jefoo4f wrote
Reply to Anyone on the south side feel like giving me a ride to BLOOM dispensary? I have gas money by [deleted]
My person delivers!
silentxem t1_jefo3v7 wrote
Reply to comment by Artistic_Theory7697 in Hi, Springfield Americans! I am German and fascinated by the three missing women case by Ichhattekrebs
Yeah, I grew up just down the street from that house. It's a nice neighborhood in a busy area.
Icy-Tangerine6465 t1_jefmuxc wrote
Reply to comment by Cloud_Disconnected in Anyone on the south side feel like giving me a ride to BLOOM dispensary? I have gas money by [deleted]
And I hate to break it to ya bud but mostly everyone has a c&c license and I’m not buying drugs I have a medical card for my disability so please stop bothering me with your bs
Memopops t1_jefmqma wrote
Reply to comment by Objective_Chard1497 in Local parks and buildings that are useless? by MorphinDorphin
Everyone once in a while you'll see someone there...not like Lurvey though....that place is creepy lol
Icy-Tangerine6465 t1_jefmnoz wrote
Reply to comment by Cloud_Disconnected in Anyone on the south side feel like giving me a ride to BLOOM dispensary? I have gas money by [deleted]
Don’t you have anything better to do??
National_Season_3861 t1_jefmm8n wrote
Reply to Places for Guy’s Haircuts by JustASillyGooseXD
Maven’s! Both Maylisa and Raven are wizards. It’s off of South Glenstone by the Walmart.
Cloud_Disconnected t1_jefmkpv wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Anyone on the south side feel like giving me a ride to BLOOM dispensary? I have gas money by [deleted]
"Can someone please come pick up an armed stranger to go buy drugs?" Lol, wtf?
nickcash t1_jeflubh wrote
Reply to comment by Low_Tourist in What’s flying out of Springfield like? by spr1ngr0ll
you don't get selected to go through PreCheck afaik, you have to pay for it. It's like $75 for 5 years and it's the best money ever spent
it's only moderately helpful at SGF but can save like an hour of waiting at a busier airport
[deleted] OP t1_jefl47a wrote
Reply to comment by BannedOnClubPenguin in Anyone on the south side feel like giving me a ride to BLOOM dispensary? I have gas money by [deleted]
Icy-Tangerine6465 t1_jefks1u wrote
Reply to comment by BannedOnClubPenguin in Anyone on the south side feel like giving me a ride to BLOOM dispensary? I have gas money by [deleted]
BannedOnClubPenguin t1_jefkkrp wrote
Reply to Anyone on the south side feel like giving me a ride to BLOOM dispensary? I have gas money by [deleted]
Hitchhiking online is crazy lmao just order a cab????? Like what???? I order cabs all the time
Icy-Tangerine6465 t1_jefkbb9 wrote
Reply to comment by AnnisBewbs in Anyone on the south side feel like giving me a ride to BLOOM dispensary? I have gas money by [deleted]
Yeah I would really rather go to BLOOM which is where I’m needing to go, too bad they don’t have delivery yet
AnnisBewbs t1_jefk53b wrote
Reply to comment by Icy-Tangerine6465 in Anyone on the south side feel like giving me a ride to BLOOM dispensary? I have gas money by [deleted]
FUCK rt 66 & the shitty shyster owners
Icy-Tangerine6465 t1_jefjz5b wrote
Reply to comment by blu3dice in Anyone on the south side feel like giving me a ride to BLOOM dispensary? I have gas money by [deleted]
Ok well no big deal I’ll find a way somehow, just thought I’d ask
blu3dice t1_jefjn7w wrote
Reply to comment by Icy-Tangerine6465 in Anyone on the south side feel like giving me a ride to BLOOM dispensary? I have gas money by [deleted]
$75 minimum!!
It's Friday, so hopefully, someone sees this is going there and can give ya a ride.
[deleted] t1_jefjldu wrote
PassingWithJennifer t1_jefj07e wrote
Reply to comment by pssssn in Hey Springfield, what’s a good blood test done? by Kitchen-Aerie2391
Quest is pretty standard imo. I am surprised they weren't outright recommended to OP
goblinvendor t1_jefisr3 wrote
Reply to Part time job by gnatree
Maybe apply to be a Barista? I know quite a few students working at coffee shops!
PassingWithJennifer t1_jefir78 wrote
Quest labs or APO or planned Parenthood. I assume you're doing diy :/
bradpmo t1_jefilcn wrote
Reply to comment by Dbol504 in What’s flying out of Springfield like? by spr1ngr0ll
Preordering the new Zelda Switch, so we can add that to it.
I can’t use work equipment for personal and vice versa. So I have two of everything. Now I’ll have a work bag and a personal bag.
powerfulspacewizard t1_jefiipt wrote
Reply to comment by smith_winston_1984 in What’s flying out of Springfield like? by spr1ngr0ll
Yes. Although yellow cab is cheaper than Uber and Lyft and can be pre scheduled
What’s up with the squatting recommendation?.
Icy-Tangerine6465 t1_jefpdmq wrote
Reply to comment by indicaclouds420 in Anyone on the south side feel like giving me a ride to BLOOM dispensary? I have gas money by [deleted]
K well I’m a 38 year old med patient with pancreatitis so how does this work? I just messaged you