Recent comments in /f/springfieldMO
zeusamoose t1_jeg3ic6 wrote
Reply to I want to vote on Greene County issues. Anyone know if this is possible? (More context below.) by kellsybellsy
Check here to confirm you are registered at your current address. It will also tell you your polling place and districts that you vote in. If you live in Greene county and Springfield school district, you will be able to vote in the school district election
randomname10131013 t1_jeg3htl wrote
Reply to Places for Guy’s Haircuts by JustASillyGooseXD
I like Hudson Hawk on East sunshine.
Saltpork545 t1_jeg3bfy wrote
Reply to comment by MacAttack2015 in What’s flying out of Springfield like? by spr1ngr0ll
This. It's a small enough airport unless they're crazy busy, your TSA wait time is often under 15 minutes.
The long term parking is easy and if you're able to walk half a mile, you will be fine.
The times I've flown out(which has only been like 3), I've never had any issues with checking in, getting my luggage checked in(including carrying a firearm in it), and getting through TSA.
An hour before your flight is set to start boarding is a good idea. 90 minutes if you really want to be sure.
Since I carry a gun in my luggage and that requires some extra TSA fun, I will show up 90 minutes early.
This is, of course, just me travelling. No kids, no groups. Just me.
Ogtrot t1_jeg2i8j wrote
Reply to comment by Ogtrot in Places for Guy’s Haircuts by JustASillyGooseXD
She has helped with very specific cow licks and always remembers what I like.
Complete-Soup-6001 OP t1_jeg2h75 wrote
Reply to comment by Artistic_Theory7697 in Morels by Complete-Soup-6001
Thanks man I’ll check it out 🤙
Meek_Money t1_jeg2cbz wrote
Reply to Places for Guy’s Haircuts by JustASillyGooseXD
Dashfire is a new shop on republic road. T.J is the owner, awesome guy.
Similar to Hudson Hawk but better.
Ichhattekrebs OP t1_jeg1yny wrote
Reply to comment by joy_pop in Hi, Springfield Americans! I am German and fascinated by the three missing women case by Ichhattekrebs
Starring Brad Pitt as Bartt Streeter!
Ogtrot t1_jeg1vxl wrote
Reply to Places for Guy’s Haircuts by JustASillyGooseXD
Niko at the Hudson Hawk Downtown is amazing. I've used her for about two years. Solid atmosphere as well. And you get more space than some.places.
dwimber t1_jeg1syn wrote
Reply to comment by SWMO19 in Hi, Springfield Americans! I am German and fascinated by the three missing women case by Ichhattekrebs
Sitting in the mercy cafeteria one day, one of the guys at my table said, "get, that guy over there is Randy Little." I loudly asked, "you mean the one that killed those 3 ladies?!?".
I don't know if he heard me, but the guys at my table looked pissed at me.
ProgressMom68 t1_jeg1rn9 wrote
Reply to comment by indicaclouds420 in Anyone on the south side feel like giving me a ride to BLOOM dispensary? I have gas money by [deleted]
Wait. What! This is a game changer. Who does this?
therealdubdub1200 t1_jefzlzv wrote
Reply to Places for Guy’s Haircuts by JustASillyGooseXD
If you're on the south side Jason at Zeus Room is great
maximus646 t1_jefyp7a wrote
Reply to comment by ZacharyGreenquist in What’s flying out of Springfield like? by spr1ngr0ll
Vegas, Chicago, Fort Walton/Destin, Dallas, Denver, Atlanta, Phoenix, LA, Tampa, Orlando, etc.
People would probably be surprised how far you can get. Word is a DC/East coast destination is coming soon.
dyerfishin t1_jefxfa4 wrote
Reply to Places for Guy’s Haircuts by JustASillyGooseXD
Mike cannaday at soul fire barber! Great place!
Artistic_Theory7697 t1_jefwxyc wrote
Reply to Morels by Complete-Soup-6001
I've had several good seasons before when I would go to the woods just south of fellows lake and the land bridge farm rd 197. Particularly the east of the road and south of the lake. I live in KC now and haven't been in a couple years. Happy hunting
Paul_Blano t1_jefw3yo wrote
Reply to Places for Guy’s Haircuts by JustASillyGooseXD
I’ve heard good things about the Zeus Room, but I’m a peasant so I just go to great clips.
Maxwyfe t1_jefv1k7 wrote
Reply to comment by Ichhattekrebs in Hi, Springfield Americans! I am German and fascinated by the three missing women case by Ichhattekrebs
That forest is huge and very rugged. Easy to hide a body if you can get it in there far enough. And if you can't, some unfortunate hunter finds it eventually.
joy_pop t1_jefuzul wrote
Reply to comment by Ichhattekrebs in Hi, Springfield Americans! I am German and fascinated by the three missing women case by Ichhattekrebs
Wow... if there were a David Lynch movie made about this town.. well I just dunno what I'd do. I'd be as giddy as a fish in a percolator 😂💖
Maxwyfe t1_jefuhlc wrote
Reply to comment by TummyDrums in Hi, Springfield Americans! I am German and fascinated by the three missing women case by Ichhattekrebs
They put a lock down on the Cannibal Killer news and probably won't allow press at the trial but I understand the evidence, what little I have heard about it, turned even the sturdiest stomachs. If it goes to trial it will be real horror movie type stuff.
senior_smelly99 t1_jefu3ah wrote
Reply to Places for Guy’s Haircuts by JustASillyGooseXD
Hudson hawk
Empty-Highway-6178 t1_jeft493 wrote
Reply to What the fuck is happening on Glenstone by ___shoe___
I wish we could just be respectful when talking about the dead. Someone just buried their Son and we got assholes on fucking reddit not doing shit talking about ofc he did this and that.
OmniFella t1_jefsn29 wrote
Reply to comment by BannedOnClubPenguin in Quick Fix? by ShroomHex
I don't trust anything enough to change my urine, nor do I like the idea of chemming myself up to try doing it. Substitution - such as with Quick Fix - is the way to go IMO. Been doing it for more than 15 years with a 100% success rate.
Icy-Tangerine6465 t1_jefsk6e wrote
Reply to comment by BannedOnClubPenguin in Anyone on the south side feel like giving me a ride to BLOOM dispensary? I have gas money by [deleted]
Looks like the weather is gonna play in my favor, gonna ride my scooter there but thank you all for the fun comments!!
OmniFella t1_jefsbqs wrote
Reply to Quick Fix? by ShroomHex
Soundsmart by Food 4 Less.
Ozarkian_Tritip t1_jefqyxj wrote
Reply to Places for Guy’s Haircuts by JustASillyGooseXD
Barbershop Deluxe
SeriouslyFthis t1_jeg4mii wrote
Reply to comment by LilSisterCumGutters in Hi, Springfield Americans! I am German and fascinated by the three missing women case by Ichhattekrebs
What tunnels? I’m new here