Recent comments in /f/springfieldMO

indiefab t1_jegesyx wrote

I live just outside the city limits on the south side. My north property line is actually the city limit and the city has nearly annexed the property completely around me to add Stone Meadow. With that, I have a Springfield address and my children attend Springfield public schools. I can vote for the school board but not for city council or most city issues.


Television_Wise t1_jegd1v4 wrote

Could be a religious group that left them. This weekend is Palm Sunday and next weekend is Easter.

That said, if someone got in your friend's apartment and only left a flower, I'd rule out the homeless because they'd probably cause more changes while staying (e.g might eat food, take valuables, use the shower, leave trash), and if they're smart enough to avoid showing any changes they wouldn't leave a flower behind inside and risk tipping yall off and losing a good spot.

I would think if it was anti-LGBT motivated there'd be vandalism or damage, and they wouldn't leave behind a symbol of peace/rebirth.

So, probably a creep. Or a prank.


Fantastic_Mind_1386 t1_jegcj5n wrote

If you want a good men’s haircut without paying $40-$50 at a luxury place like Hudson Hawk go the the Brentwood Barbershop. The guys that own and operate it are veterans and have always given me the best haircuts. They’re super cool to talk to and have tons of repeat customers.


emtrigg013 t1_jeg9b4s wrote

It's either a scare or they're gonna end up on one of them crime shows we love so much.

You can trust where you live and people around you, AND keep your doors locked. Why risk it?

As for the lily, it could have absolutely been a maintenance person, but I agree with the other poster that it could also be a sick prank.

Keep your doors locked and stand up for yourself when you feel uncomfortable.


isntthatpeachy t1_jeg8zce wrote

If the computer was struck by lightning, there is a fair chance components are dead.
Almost guarantee the power supply is shot, if power surged any further, motherboard next, including cpu and potentially damage to the gpu. Powered off is irrelevant if plugged in, although it could likely have prevented further damage than the power supply.

First step would be diagnosing if you're receiving power thru the PSU, lights on mobo, case, fans spinning, etc. If no power, replace PSU.

Second step would be to diagnose if you're receiving output from cpu/gpu when they receive power. If you have case lights, no error codes, and the computer /seems/ to have booted, fans on, drives kicking into gear, general.. computer sounds.. booting into bios, etc. Most newer GPUs have an LED near/around the plug to indicate if power is being received, but an incorrect amount is present. Either causing issues to boot, or no boot at all.

Depending on your CPU, you can try plugging outputs into the standard IO ports of the motherboard, if your CPU does not have integrated graphics, standard port off the GPU. You may also try booting if you made it to this point without the GPU. If you can't get it to boot into bios, the next part I'd recommend replacing the the MOBO.

Upon replacing the motherboard, it'll be much clearer what further damage has occurred. It's at this point you'll be able to confirm if PSU+MOBO replacement is enough to get you booted, or if there are further components damaged.. RAM, HDDs, SSDs, NVMe, all requires power to run.. If it ran rampant in the system, these are all likely to need to be replaced.

I don't know a shop I'd recommend to look into this, because given the circumstances, it'll likely crawl back to building a new PC. Unfortunately this circumstance is about the worst thing that can happen to a PC. Best of luck, I hope you're able to get it running!


kellsybellsy OP t1_jeg74jf wrote

Thank you for the link! I couldn’t get details on the site but called Jeff City. I have more questions than answers now. My polling place potentially has both Greene and Webster ballots and I’ve been getting Webster by default. I’ll have to sort it out next election and contact Greene County if a Greene County ballot isn’t available at my polling place.