Submitted by DKBMusic t3_zkmzbb
Submitted by iced-macchiato t3_zh47qp
Submitted by [deleted] t3_z98nya
Submitted by [deleted] t3_z14j1x
Submitted by spr1ngr0ll t3_yius4s
You were right about the RepublicRd Price Cutter, this water expired December 1924. I don't understand how they are missing these dates smh
Submitted by Rough-Dust-3926 t3_110i0kk
Submitted by The_Actual_Pope t3_11zjfbg
Submitted by Capelily t3_10ywnz3
Submitted by [deleted] t3_10jfkjg
Dude sat here in the crosswalk until the light went green, then he turned right (not a turn lane) and gave me a dirty look for snapping a pic.
Submitted by giftedgaia t3_zpvnah
Submitted by spr1ngr0ll t3_1273bfk
Submitted by ThrowRA32192000 t3_zcr5j9
Submitted by lovelykittenman t3_yr3zz4
Submitted by Bornbhthegods t3_yd3o18
Submitted by PossibleReporter6873 t3_11gdij3
Submitted by ricardomilos-mp4 t3_111igeq
Submitted by [deleted] t3_110q2sv
Submitted by itsmeclaytonlee t3_11xnae2
Submitted by Ten-4RubberDucky t3_120ubty
Submitted by sizzlewow t3_zvw7dw
Submitted by Cloud_Disconnected t3_zi7qp7
Submitted by Jimithyashford t3_yp3xb9