Submitted by d3athdr0p t3_10kpnl5
Submitted by Punnchy t3_z87zw4
Submitted by Xyvir t3_10oas5i
Submitted by MunchieMunk t3_yq4we5
Submitted by SirBonafarte_ t3_11ckejy
Submitted by DKBMusic t3_zkmzbb
Submitted by rosetintedglases t3_11z1o9x
Hey, so my cat pushed open some new window screens last night and left my home. I'm probably being overdramatic about it and he'll probably show up while this post is still up so just in case, can y'all keep an eye out for my baby? I don't wanna risk him freezing to death this winter.
Submitted by MonoChaos t3_yyo3oi
Hate getting jumped with ads from unqualified School Board candidates at the gas station pump? Me too! Here’s a helpful tip (note: only worked on the first of many political ads; as tested at Rapid Roberts, Fremont & Republic).
Submitted by MacAttack2015 t3_121sve8
Submitted by dreaminginbinary t3_10veso4
Submitted by MOF1fan t3_122nh5u
Submitted by ClockwiseOne09 t3_10rwut2
Submitted by Rough-Dust-3926 t3_119l288
Submitted by Nuclear_Waste t3_112bomn
Submitted by lollipopkiller98 t3_z4m5j3
Submitted by Willing-Sprinkles-17 t3_109l1cq
Dude sat here in the crosswalk until the light went green, then he turned right (not a turn lane) and gave me a dirty look for snapping a pic.
Submitted by giftedgaia t3_zpvnah
Submitted by ReptarNation t3_zmt6u0
Submitted by LeBreZz t3_1126wsi
Submitted by the_honeyman t3_zob4f0
Submitted by ricardomilos-mp4 t3_zltf78