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LigerXT5 t1_j9ffmuy wrote

I say "poor reputation/service of the company" because places like Walmart will blame poor work ethics, dedication to work, and increased theft because no one cares to keep the products in good sellable condition.

But yet if the store does great, everyone get $20-100(?) bonus in their next pay check.

Or my favorite that I went through, the store went through a small remodel. They say big, but if all you're doing is repainting some walls and a couple new sign sup, that's not significant. Usually when a remodel happens, the quarterly bonus is slashed, or eliminated. In my experience, we got hardly to no bonus that quarter.

It's not just Walmart. Amazon likes to hint that their poor service is on their employees. Too many breaks, using the bathroom too much, going on strike or mere gossip of it.