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SmokeyBare t1_j96dqx9 wrote

Trust this source more, because they have money. Sounds about America.


I_Like_Driving1 t1_j96dsqd wrote

lol, social media platforms are shooting themselves in the foot


nedstarkin t1_j96ekxn wrote

OK, please create a pay wall for login as well, so that we can finally say goodbye to this social media batshit going on for a decade.


opticd t1_j96f0r0 wrote

Hindustan Times? šŸ§ Seems legit lmao.


DangerousAd1731 t1_j96h0hr wrote

Just saw Zuckerbergs fb post. Too funny, any way to make a buck I guess.


mdkubit t1_j96htcl wrote

That might actually work better than you think.

Social Media's cesspool is a natural effect of allowing everyone full unfettered access to communicate with everyone else anonymously with almost no repercussions beyond a banned account, which is zero barrier to entry because you can just create a new account and keep going.

If a pay wall exists, the vast majority of these people won't be spending money just to troll others, and the noise will drop off significantly. Granted, the biggest paid actors that try to flood social media with propaganda might still exist, but then again, they might not if it costs them millions of dollars for accounts that they have to keep re-spending every time the farm gets banned.

TL;DR - Mass Trolling exists cuz it's free and anonymous. Remove both of those and it'll likely either vanish entirely, or get niche'd into oblivion.


JuggST4R t1_j96ig4y wrote

Technology has phases 1st step electricity was used 1st then wiring electricity has imaginary numbers when used for example a gear uses 1 electrical number it was previously thought electricity was wild, and that there was no way to make something but we used wires to change the currents for it so a gear could move. Just electrical scientist zapping everything all day the world is fake yall like a keyboard mouse.


capybooya t1_j96ihxl wrote

We are certainly on fast forward mode, I wonder what they'll do when all their short term money grabs are used up?


Not_Like_The_Movie t1_j96j7hh wrote

>If a pay wall exists, the vast majority of these people won't be spending money just to troll others, and the noise will drop off significantly.

We saw that this wasn't the case with the massive number of people paying 8 bucks to make fake verified accounts when Elon took over Twitter.


Tex-Rob t1_j96kppu wrote

Almost feels like this is a play to 1) see if the market will tolerate this 2) deter people from signing up for theirs or Twitter by making people say, "I thought about signing up for Twitter, but if they are all gonna charge now, f that!" I hate META but I can't say I hate either tactic.


dewayneestes t1_j96pc7m wrote

This is a nice way of them saying if you have a small business and someone copies your account and pretends to be you they wonā€™t do shit about it unless you pay the ransom.

Honestly even then they probably wonā€™t do shit about it.


Consistent_Jacket892 t1_j96tg3c wrote

This is the equivalent of dropping a quarter in the back of my recliner, I know itā€™s there but somehow I really donā€™t give a shit.


Typical_Cat_9987 t1_j971r4z wrote

To everyone who thinks this will backfire - it wonā€™t. Weā€™re all so addicted to these platforms enough people will pay for this. If you think otherwise youā€™re kidding yourselves.

The proof - why donā€™t you delete your Instagram account? Or your Reddit account? Exactly ā€¦.


DontListenToMe33 t1_j97cuzf wrote

Tying user verification to a subscription service just makes zero sense to me. I guess itā€™s good that meta will actually attempt to verify people - Twitter doesnā€™t bother (itā€™s a ā€œpay us and weā€™ll give you a verified check for almost whatever name you wantā€ system). But, generally speaking, why do I care about being verified? Literally makes no difference to me. Just seems like $100+ a year down the toilet.

The original Twitter Blue made more senseā€¦ it was like $5 a month for some extra features and no ads. Now, itā€™s more money + you still apparently get ads + the extra features are still crap.


LemApp t1_j97eafs wrote

Why does this remind of the Dr. Seuss story of the critters with stars on their bellies. When everyone had stars, they wanted the stars removed. Then it became a vicious cycle of stars going on and off. Finally broke, the entrepreneur who was doing the stars on and off drives away a very rich man. So when can I sign up not to have a blue tick on my account?


LeonBlacksruckus t1_j97lyz5 wrote

People are so ignorant. They are responding to increased privacy rules and regulations and trying to get off relying on ads as their only revenue driver.

Itā€™s also a very simple way to essentially eliminate bot farms.


RomanCavalry t1_j97mivf wrote

Yanno, I shouldnā€™t be surprised because Meta does just steal all of their ideas from other platforms after all.


Dark-Myst t1_j97wpsd wrote

For what? I need a blue check on my Facebook feed to tell the ads I'm real?

How fucking stupid is this going to get? 1 more stupid fucking thing Zuckerfuck and I'm done with Facebook.

I should have deleted years ago.


psychedoutcasts t1_j980a2s wrote

If you spend any money on any of these social media conglomerates for a blue checkmark just to prove you are somebody you're a class a idiot.


Daimakku1 t1_j9815yg wrote

>The proof - why donā€™t you delete your Instagram account? Or your Reddit account? Exactly ā€¦.

I would if they said a monthly/yearly sub was now necessary to have an account. I'd finally be free.


AirbagOff t1_j981oes wrote

This worked out so well for Twitter. What could possibly go wrong? /s


mdkubit t1_j984vdm wrote

A lot of the pre-mass-public social media in the 80s and 90s was actually heavily moderated and fairly civil, because the bar to entry was pretty high.

  1. Afford a PC.
  2. Afford a way to connect PC to an online service.
  3. Depending on the service, pay additional fee for Internet specific access.

You could create anonymous names, but your ISP, your online service provider, would know your real info, so getting banned was a lot more of a threat at the time as a result.

You can raise that bar to entry monetarily, and you'd likely get a similar chilling effect. Not necessarily 'great' as a solution, but it is a solution.


ikoncipher t1_j985jqe wrote

Next up, The Blue Check blockchain, where you just need to be verified once and no need for 3rd party to know your data.


truthpooper t1_j98aonh wrote

Oh no! The Twitter is come from INSIDE THE FACEBOOK!

(stolen from Rob DenBleyker, probably butchered his name)


RichyCigars t1_j98b5sn wrote

So excited to not fucking care at all about this nonsense.


Spaceman-Spiff t1_j98cz85 wrote

If you get boosted in the algorithm everyone who monetizes social media will pay for it. I see people who rail against Elon but still have Twitter blue because they depend on it to make money.


OriginalCompetitive t1_j98dkfp wrote

Not at all. The ability to publish a tweet to the world is nearly worthless to most people, but incredibly valuable to some. How much would Nikki Haley have paid, for example, to publish her candidacy for President to the world? $100,000? More? How much would Trump pay per tweet? How much would McDonalds pay? Hundreds? Thousands?

Charging commercial users a hefty price while letting normal people tweet for free is an obvious move, and makes perfect sense.


ddhboy t1_j98dzm8 wrote

Especially when this has effect on rankings in the algorithm. Twitter shot itself in the foot on that one by making the analytics public. If the people that I follow with tens of thousands of followers are only getting 300 or so impressions per tweet, then what hope do I have with a much smaller follower count? Now you want to me to pay for the prospect of screaming into the wind?


Nearby_Cheesecake_42 t1_j98hol4 wrote

I hate that they conflate "notability" with "paid subscribers." Clout chasers of a certain kind will subscribe immediately and the company will have some positive cash flow, but it will drive the user perceived value of the platform down. Love it or hate it, having something exclusive you can't pay for is valued by the active user base. It's part of the platforms culture. The opaque internal validation structure only made it even more enticing to influencers.

It's akin to them ditching their social graph in an attempt to complete with TikTok. Sloppy moves like this show how desperate Meta/Mark is becoming.


Martholomeow t1_j98ibvn wrote

So they want people to pay extra and submit ID to help prevent scammers from impersonating them?

LOL I have a better solution to that problem. Delete your facebook account then no one can impersonate you there.


kyflyboy t1_j98l3jd wrote

DO IT! I want to see Facebook die.


OriginalCompetitive t1_j98legl wrote

Take Donald Trump, for example. He basically won the presidency based on a blizzard of free tweets. In a rational world, Twitter should have charged him hundreds of millions of dollars for that media access. And it would have been worth it to him.

Now apply that to every politician in the country.

And to every corporation.

And every sports team.

And every wealthy celebrity.

And every ā€œinfluencer.ā€

These people will pay big money for an unfiltered bullhorn to the world. Itā€™s a no brainer for Twitter, etc. to charge them.


chance125 t1_j98n15e wrote

Nice job Elon you started another dumb trend you fucking idiot


mumblewrapper t1_j98p1u5 wrote

What is the point of it? So that I can see which of my "friends" are stupid enough to pay for Facebook? I already know who the stupid ones are. But, I guess this will add to the list potentially.


geophilo t1_j98rtra wrote

Who gives a fuck about Meta


redddcrow t1_j98segl wrote

I stopped using Instagram and Facebook a few months ago. My mental health has improved dramatically. Give it a try, it might work for you too!


SleepingSicarii t1_j98uipp wrote

Definitely not. Facebook saw all the idiots buying Twitter Blue and decided to also get the money for their own platform. People use Facebook and Instagram (and Twitter) for $0, and now even if 1 person buys it every month, itā€™s worth it. $12 for Facebook to provide almost nothing extra.


happynightmare13 t1_j98uxzf wrote

Monthly fee? So you pay this month, your identity is verified. If you don't pay next month, your identity will be questionable. šŸ˜…


overdrive_dd t1_j98w0ld wrote

Taking a leaf out of Elonā€™s playbook and itā€™s not even a good book


a_rainbow_serpent t1_j9921sj wrote

Bleed off to where? These twitter and Facebook accounts have replaced corporate PR departments and journalists in media channels. These corporate entities will not fund departments again to write email press releases and email out then follow up on engagement, when a few thousand dollars a year in licence fees allows them to remain in touch. Social media may feel like itā€™s ā€œinfluencersā€ and giving voice to individuals it really is just corporate money all the way down.

Soon social media will be even more like Television or radio with a clear divide between licensed content creators and consumers. We are watching the death of social media as we have know it, which was born out of the death of open internet.


Kombucha_Hivemind t1_j993c5q wrote

Where are younger people going now? Tik tok? Where did people go from My Space? There is nothing holding people to a social network, if enough people leave the social network it will die. The journalists and the corporations will follow the actual people, people don't follow the corporations.


faust_noir_deco t1_j997755 wrote

Honestly, at this point, we're just one more step away from there being an outright pay wall on all social media platforms within the next few years.

We can argue the idiocy of this move in the comments until the sun burns out, but for rich people and the sycophants willing to afford it, it's a dream come true. There's no limit to how much these people will spend to keep the "trolls" and "riffraff" out.


BenWallace04 t1_j9985u3 wrote

I was being hyperbolic.

I didnā€™t literally go through ever yearly Twitter financial statement.

The amount of net losses they have faced in 17 years renders those two years moot and then some.


WontArnett t1_j99d7oo wrote

These social media sites think people donā€™t want any excuse not to use them.

Just like newspapers charging a paywall to see an articleā€” bitch thereā€™s five other sites just like yours.


docah t1_j99eabi wrote

The platforms are nothing without the people and the content. Every dollar they make is off someone else's content. Trying to get people to cough up protection money is just peak corruption. Hopefully this is one of the things that does them in.


EscaperX t1_j99ejur wrote

anyone who would pay money to fb so that they can harvest all of your data for every penny that they can squeeze, is an idiot.


ozzy_og_kush t1_j99ey2k wrote

Meta doing something idiotic in response to another social network doing something idiotic is the pinnacle of hilarity.


Roastage t1_j99o18c wrote

Am I wrong in thinking that the only value the tick ever had was that you couldn't pay for it?


Heelricky16 t1_j99opg6 wrote

Iā€™m not sure what Iā€™m missing here. How is he insane for doing it? Sure, less than 100k May be paying for it, so letā€™s say 80k, @ $11/month (iOS prices) thatā€™s making them $880k a month just for people who want a blue check mark


JustDalek_ t1_j99tp2e wrote

Everyone who bought twitter blue: this is because of you demonstrating we are willing to pay for this nonsense lmao


nicejaw t1_j99uify wrote

The only problem I have with this is that you have to reverify just for changing a profile photo? I hope they arenā€™t assuming your profile photo is supposed to be some kind of personally identifiable photo because people and especially businesses often have them very stylized.

The price IMO should be nothing for people who actually have decent jobs or whateverā€¦ easily spend more on Starbucks each month.


tacodepollo t1_j9a2cfw wrote

A quick little pump & dump before checking out?


ryper42 t1_j9a4o7d wrote

It may be more like a way to keep shareholders from complaining that they're not trying to make a buck. If Meta didn't try to exploit this new revenue stream Musk revealed, there'd be questions.


Robjchapm t1_j9abl21 wrote

My grandma will know itā€™s officially me.


BigMax t1_j9abta0 wrote

Capitalism sucks.

ā€œYou know that service that we make tons of money on by just charging for ads? I bet people will pay for it anyway! Then we can make even MORE profit!ā€


GoblinBrain420 t1_j9ac0z9 wrote

As a social media manager this is going to utterly fuck my role.

No doubt Iā€™ll have to start thinking of two tier content ideas. One for the ones who pay and expect more high production posts and then ideas for the normies.


D-Spornak t1_j9afzvp wrote

I feel like this should be on r/ABoringDystopia for some reason.


Glittering-Ad-7846 t1_j9aishq wrote

It's a matter of time before this subscription model spreads like wildfire into everything. Think your Whatsapp is going to stay free? It'll start with a badge and verification for at $12/month, then guess what, it'll soon be a $2-5 a month for anyone to use the platform, possibly "less ad" version. And because the free version will be so unbearable and bloated, people will buy another subscription to their monthly bundle. Why? Because a couple bucks a month is less than a coffee! Right? Ironically this strategy will also mark the death of the subscription model. My guess is that groups of people will start their own little silo'd social media channels, a la Discord.


DantedeLelusa64 t1_j9aqyjk wrote

It's about time, now everyone can get a blue tick. People are saying that they're shooting themselves on the foot but I really don't think that's the case. It's still going to be free to use and this is just a way or getting more money.

For those that want to become influencers and small businesses it's great news because they're taken seriously with a tick and people will take them way more seriously if they are paying for it. Not to mention that if getting the tick becomes an actual trend it'll get to a point where it'll be very ease to spot a spam/troll/bot account


Micahman311 t1_j9ara3x wrote

It's times like this I am happy I never gave a shit about Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or whatever the hell else people use for socializing.

The only one I do use is reddit, and that's mostly to keep up with games, music, and movies, as well as the regular world news.


RenzoMF t1_j9az7sm wrote

Or how to lose millions of users.


BiscottiOdd7979 t1_j9b22n8 wrote

Iā€™m hoping they do too. I only keep it as business, events etc are so entwined with fb it is limiting not to have it. If they start charging hopefully this will change though and I will dump it in a heartbeat.


BiscottiOdd7979 t1_j9b3qsn wrote

That assumes the average Joe cares enough to continue to be engaged despite the cost. Many people donā€™t give a shit and only use it as itā€™s free. Hopefully the beginning of their demise. Honestly the world was better before social media shit. Hopefully we are heading back there. Or at least meta crash and burns.


MonchichiSalt t1_j9b5h52 wrote

Golly! I'm old enough to remember a time before any social media! And I was fine. It won't be a problem to go back to those days.


Polyolygon t1_j9bmajw wrote

Well I should of fully deleted Facebook a while ago. No time like the present


CJ5jeep2012 t1_j9bn1li wrote

IMOā€¦In my worldā€¦ Things on social media ( I.eā€¦ Facebook/ Twitter / Instagram / Tic-Toc / etcā€¦) are simply a distraction for when I have some downtime. Iā€™ve lived over 50 years prior without it, I can certainly live the rest of my life without it. They go to chargingā€¦ Iā€™ll be gone with the wind lol


DrChill21 t1_j9bq4oj wrote

For as long as the service has been free to use, why not finally add something that brings in dollars besides ad revenue. Whatā€™s the problem here?


firstanomaly t1_j9bzgmm wrote

Because they werenā€™t already an enormous profitable company? Now users can pay to have their data sold for them.


angrybox1842 t1_j9c0tm4 wrote

There's just so little money in this model, I guess it's mostly free to give people a little checkmark, but it won't solve the revenue drop they've had after so many companies are getting out of social media advertising.

Just for reference Q4 revenue was down 4% over last year and net income was down a whopping 55%. Shit's bad at mother meta.


Psychobob2213 t1_j9c1zbz wrote

They all know the game at this point. The first one to monetize something that shouldn't be monetized is ridiculed, and maybe delays rolling it out.

A handful of folks remember and point out how ridiculous it is when the second one does it. Then the third does it and we're used to getting screwed.

Luckily we're still on step one with car manufactures coopting the on-disc DLC model with BMW pay-walling heated seats.


jimkurth81 t1_j9ccmnq wrote

so instead of just blocking bot accounts, which could be done easily and was a result of their inability to control account creation, they have decided to capitalize on the opportunity and charge people $12-$15 per month to verify their account profile so they won't get confused with a random bot... Not only do they already collect a ton of revenue from targeting ads for businesses to the users, they want to charge the users monthly subscription fees in addition.

Sounds like it's time for a new free social platform that isn't about charging subscription fees.

I think the reality is that only businesses, celebrities, and people who don't treat money as oxygen (like the rest of us do), will be the only people paying for this verified tick.


jimkurth81 t1_j9cctxg wrote

that requires too much work on their end. Why not just find a way to battle the bot system they helped create and promote by charging customers to pay to show others they are not a bot. They manufactured the problem they are capitalizing on now.


jadams2345 t1_j9d00g9 wrote

Anyone who's short on cash makes them blue verification ticks LOL I gotta start charging people for this too :)


RobotRippee t1_j9d2yzv wrote

A user subscription to prevent them from allowing someone to impersonate the user.


Mountain-Diamond-282 t1_j9dz76o wrote

So now they want you to pay them to steal your privacy, of course there are enough fools to comply.


stsh t1_j9evlk9 wrote

I have a hard time believing that 2 of the largest companies in the world with some of the largest data resources on the planet would implement this if they werenā€™t achieving anything.

Thereā€™s clearly something to this that critics are missing.

Any sort of objective dialogue on what this could accomplish when Twitter implemented it was drowned out by Redditā€™s vocal hate for Elon.


stsh t1_j9evw8r wrote

Exactly. Facebook and Twitter understand their businesses better than any average Joe on Reddit.

I donā€™t understand this decision myself but Iā€™m sure they have their reasons. People commenting things like ā€œbad move, Facebookā€ just sound dumb.