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DevouringZombie t1_j8we259 wrote

I am interested in buying around 30 laptops for my school. I'm concerned about the use of chatbots and general plagarism. I'd like them to be offline and replicate the old school "blue books" as much as possible. Anyone have any recommendations?


veritanuda OP t1_j8xh69y wrote

Have you looked at Endless OS?


DevouringZombie t1_j8ymdbs wrote

I’m not familiar with it, but it looks like it still allows wifi access, does it just not have browsers?


veritanuda OP t1_j8yp27g wrote

No, it has many offline tools, including a copy of Wikipedia, but it can still use the internet if you allow it.

Read the list here.

It is a good way to lock down machines and not have them randomly installing programs you don't want installed.


ComputerShiba t1_j9m0uxx wrote

how are you getting around using chatGPT on mobile, then just copying it over?


DevouringZombie t1_j9m1jlt wrote

It would be in person use in the class. Phones are already “banned” in person. With a combination of Covid skill losses and massive cheating, I don’t think I want any work completed outside of the classroom.