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Due-Resident-4588 t1_j73ge5u wrote

Everyone hating on Elon musk will never come close to the level of success he’s had in life. Instead of hating from the couch maybe they should be working more.


Senyu t1_j73ht8d wrote

Please continue the apologist behavior for the billionaires. I'm sure someday the trickle down will reach you, and if you work hard enough, you too can hoard obscene levels of wealth.


SwampTerror t1_j73ih6n wrote

Man Elon worked hard being the son of an apartheid Africa emerald mine owner. That hard work as all that slave money rolled in. He really had to break his back like the every man. He probably had to use an outhouse. Nary a servant in sight!


VacaDLuffy t1_j73ivr9 wrote

Whats funny is he recently tried denying this but Twitter fact checked his ass calling out his lie. Lmao


Ice_Battle t1_j73oedn wrote

I too wish I was born to an emerald owner. But no, so I will definitely not have the “success” he’s had.


The_Starmaker t1_j73krh1 wrote

“Only non-billionaires could possibly dislike Elon Musk!”


CrotchetAndVomit t1_j73m4bo wrote

His "success" got a huge bump before he was even out of diapers. All else being equal, I feel like I have a far more fulfilling and joy filled life than he does. That has a value on its own. I don't need to be a billionaire to be successful. I'm comfortable financially, have relationships that actually matter, and I don't need to be a replyguy on the internet for clout. That I do because it's fun.


DanielPhermous t1_j74au3f wrote

Well, a far lower percentage of my customers hate me in both my jobs, so that's one metric I have over him.


Due-Resident-4588 t1_j73megz wrote

Let the down votes of all the brokies and couch warriors pour in. I love it


DrMaridelMolotov t1_j74bs4b wrote

Yeah you probably do love getting humiliated in public like Elon so that checks out.


Kulas30 t1_j74oq3s wrote

Out of idle curiosity what do you do for a living?