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pisandwich t1_j8va4n6 wrote

The union says 15 of their members were fired, out of 30+ total fired. Why would you trust Tesla when they say only 1 "identified" with the union? Tesla doesn't even recognize the union yet, I doubt they have a thorough count of every employee that's involved.


DerekTheSkiNerd t1_j8varc5 wrote

he's a telsa/musk fanboy actively posts in multiple tesla subreddits


pisandwich t1_j8vb8xk wrote

Seems like a paid shill maybe, social media rep for Tesla.


DerekTheSkiNerd t1_j8vbq9x wrote

nah, there are still idiots who are huge musk asskissers because they wish they were him.

unfortunately /r/electricvehicles is fucking full of them


CandyFromABaby91 t1_j8vbheg wrote

Yep, that’s a thing. Tesla pays me to comment on Reddit. Very well paying job. Join us.
