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ex_sanguination t1_j73y4cz wrote

Meh, this happened during the industrial age as well. It's just new technology making certain jobs/roles obsolete. It's heartbreaking for those who're being affected, but it's a step in the right direction as a society.


I_ONLY_PLAY_4C_LOAM t1_j74f5si wrote

I don't think it's made very much of anything obsolete. It's still pretty shit. If anything, it's degrading the quality of content on the internet and making it less useful.


lycheedorito t1_j7556hw wrote

You can already catch ChatGPT responses on Reddit, ArtStation recently had been flooded with AI art... They now have a filter but it doesn't catch people being fraudulent about authenticity. Both of these things make me less inclined to engage or care. I suppose if you are completely unaware of it you might not notice, but people who are aware do. Is the idea that we'll all just tell AI to respond to everything for us, so we're just proxies for artificial conversation?


ex_sanguination t1_j74gk2s wrote

Oh for sure, it hasn't caused any major upheavals yet. But once it's refined it'll start to make a more noticable impact. This all being in the future. Give it 10 years? But who knows, maybe this is the same hoopla as self driving cars were back in 2015.


I_ONLY_PLAY_4C_LOAM t1_j74hkx2 wrote


ex_sanguination t1_j74i8h3 wrote

Right, but the fear that taxi services, truck drivers, and delivery drivers etc was blown out of proportion. Can it still happen? Sure. But people were saying by early 20s' there would be massive change in the workforce.


Trotskyist t1_j74wmh1 wrote

I mean, self-driving taxis are a thing now in several cities/states and are actively expanding into new markets. Obviously, it hasn't taken over yet and become the norm (if it does at all) but it's absolutely a growing industry.


henningknows t1_j73ycc6 wrote

Why is it a step in The right direction?


joanmave t1_j74ffqx wrote

Because it provides value. It generates answers for questions that can require a more extensive due dilligence. Instead of a human scouring the internet for answers it can directly and comprehensively answer the question in the context is asked with explanations. For instance, software developers are using it by being recommended actual implementations in code that actually works, solving problems much faster and being more productive.

Edit: I want to add that the answers are very specific to the problem stated by the user. ChatGPT does not provides a general answer but a very specific answer for the problem at hand.


henningknows t1_j74fzs4 wrote

Fair enough. I can see that being useful once all the kinks are worked out.


ex_sanguination t1_j73zgq2 wrote

Customer service roles across the board. It frees up time for workers to handle more important/critical thinking tastes vs. simple customer service based ones. It's a fantastic tool to bounce ideas off of, cultivating a person's/staffs creativity. It's also brilliant at taking information and writing articles/inquiries.

Regulation will be needed, but overall it's a netgain.


henningknows t1_j73zwqa wrote

Yeah, well when I start reading schools are considering not having written assignments anymore that worries me. People need to learn how to do things like that and think for themselves.


ex_sanguination t1_j740u29 wrote

Understandable, and like I said regulation is going to be needed. But ask yourself this? Kids curriculum nowadays (USA) is test based and has little critical thinking involved. The fact a fledgling AI can pass as a high school student is an issue, but is it an AI problem or an issue how our schools operate/teach?

Also, software to recognize AI generated content is already being made and I'm sure schools will implement a submit system that verifies their students work.


henningknows t1_j7414m9 wrote

Yeah I hear that. They have my kid memorizing spellings and definitions of words. He gets an A on every test. Then forgets all of it a few weeks later


ex_sanguination t1_j741dxy wrote

It's all above my pay grade and I don't envy you as a parent in today's climate, but I'm sure your little ones gonna be alright :)

Hell, remember cursive? 🤣


Art-Zuron t1_j742rzs wrote

I still write in pseudocursive to this day, and, while people say it's pretty, its also a bitch to read.


demonicneon t1_j74pfi3 wrote

You should try and learn architectural print. I was also cursive but switched in uni and it’s more legible and I write just as fast.


Jaysnewphone t1_j747nik wrote

I remember it but I don't remember why I had to learn it.


demonicneon t1_j74pcgn wrote

Memorisation and spelling are good. It wasn’t long ago people were saying autocorrect meant you didn’t need to learn spelling which is basically the same thing as this atm but for longer form writing.

Memorisation and spelling without putting into practice ie writing essays and reports and fiction, is bad because as you say people just forget it if they don’t use it.


Trotskyist t1_j74x4um wrote

>Also, software to recognize AI generated content is already being made and I'm sure schools will implement a submit system that verifies their students work.

I wouldn't be so sure. As soon as an algorithm is created to detect AI content that exact same model can and will be used to further train the neural network to avoid detection. This is the basic premise behind generative adversarial networks (or GANs,) one of the bigger ML techniques.


lycheedorito t1_j755lf9 wrote

And it will catch false positives and people will be punished for having done nothing.


AccomplishedBerry625 t1_j74bdtp wrote

It happened with Google and Wikipedia as well.

Personally I think it’s just Google search on steroids, like a natural language API for Google Dorks