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Yodan t1_jaclv18 wrote

this ends 50+ years from now with those skynet self contained killbot flying things btw


octahexx t1_jad19lb wrote

Put it on sword blade drones and stuff gets scary


CypripediumCalceolus t1_jad4ad9 wrote

There are over 6 billion smart phones in the world. No big problem for China to smuggle a billion flying exploding ones into the US and onto your face.


WolfOnHigh t1_jadi8ru wrote

Nice. We are living the dystopian future that I used to read as sci fi. People will be tagged, targeted, and killed by... machines. Sorry. It was a mechanical or software problem - we're working on it... No accountability whatsoever.


coffeespeaking t1_jady3fr wrote

It’s not like it could be used as an assassination tool or get into the wrong hands. Pair it with AI and let it go fully autonomous. (/s)


D2commerce t1_jaedvmt wrote

Can’t wait till my local PD gets these military surplus drones in 2 years


Hieuro t1_jaexg48 wrote

The tv show 'Person of Interest' clearly was ahead of its time with portraying the dangers of surveillance and facial recognition


stabadan t1_jaf4pgz wrote

Paging Sarah and john Connor…