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johnnyredleg t1_jaavr6o wrote

According to the article, they believe it is a threat actor associated with the Chinese government.


DeepSignature201 t1_jacp50w wrote

So we now know it’s not a “threat actor” associated with the Chinese.


WillBottomForBanana t1_jadm6kg wrote

The chance that chinese hackers were trying to get into the system are >99%.

Who was actually successful, and which of those who were successful are a meaningful problem is easy to obfuscate when you can semi-factually say that chinese hackers were in the system.


DeepSignature201 t1_jadmhji wrote

If right wing nutjobs are saying it, well let’s just say I’m skeptical. Maybe a gay Mr Potatohead did it. Or more likely it never happened at all.
