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str8grizzlee t1_j8rgadv wrote

It doesn’t have to be sentient to be terrifying. People’s brains have been broken just by 15 years of a photo sharing app. People are going to fall in love with this thing. People may be manipulated by it, not because it has humanoid goals or motivations but because people are fragile and stupid. It’s barely been available and it’s already obvious that the engineers who built it can’t really control it.


Ok_Kale_2509 t1_j8rhjj4 wrote

People who fall in love with it are not likely to have healthy relationships without it.


str8grizzlee t1_j8ri4jm wrote

Ok but with it they’re now vulnerable to nonstop catfish scams and manipulation by a generative model that seems to be hard to control. That’s obviously a little scarier than the worst case scenario being having a lot of cats


Ok_Kale_2509 t1_j8ryzuq wrote

I suppose but this already happens. And that would take repeated intent. There isn't evidence of any over arching goal or an ability to have one as of yet. Again. That is years out.


str8grizzlee t1_j8s5jex wrote

Yeah, agreed it is probably years out. Just saying…Jesus. This is gonna be fucked up!


hxckrt t1_j8rh0ey wrote

It's only terrifying that you can't fully control it if it has goals of its own. Without that, it's just a broken product. Who's gonna systematically manipulate someone, the non-sentient language model, or the engineers who can't get it to do what they want?


str8grizzlee t1_j8rib5a wrote

We don’t know what it’s goals are. We have a rough idea of the goals it’s been given by engineers attempting to output stuff that will please humans. We don’t know how it could interpret these goals in a way that might be unintended.


MuForceShoelace t1_j8rmbnc wrote

It doesn't have "goals", you have to understand how simple this thing is.


hxckrt t1_j8rkm9a wrote

So any manipulation isn't going to be goal-oriented and persistent, but just a fluke, a malfunction? Because that was my point.