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Fassbenderfan t1_j9ybhjt wrote

I don't know enough about windows 11 but I am scared to update it.


tire-fire t1_j9yd0x3 wrote

The UI is just off putting. I hated 10 at first but I've grown to like it, in the lastest form it doesn't feel radically different coming from 7. Windows 11 just feels like a phone OS pretending to be a desktop, feels like Windows 8 all over again. I really don't get why they can't just leave things more or less alone in that regard, give me a goddamn recognizable pop-up start menu and a task bar like we had for a couple decades.


Funkybeatzzz t1_j9yqpvq wrote

I found it ridiculous you can’t change the taskbar location on Win11. I hook my laptop up to two external monitors and landing on the taskbar docked at the bottom of the screen is so insanely annoying with extended desktops.


DrB00 t1_j9zkaxj wrote

You can't change the task bar location? Eww wtf. I always have my Taskbar on the left hand side as I have another monitor on the right side.


Funkybeatzzz t1_j9zkje3 wrote

Yep, it’s absurd. It’s stuck at the bottom. I keep mine on the left on my separate screens.


forthe_loveof_grapes t1_ja00szr wrote

This is my #1 reason for hating it. 15 years I've had my taskbar on the left. Why do they want me to hate it???


Funkybeatzzz t1_ja02x1u wrote

It makes absolutely zero sense that they wouldn’t give the option to move it. Can anyone give any good reason to have it permanently locked to the bottom?


Sinowhino t1_ja0wizi wrote

The crazy thing is there is absolutely no reason to change it.

You can make additions without taking out the old. Like being able to switch back to windows 10 view and putting in a new one.

They keep trying to force this on us for no reason.

Windows we really don't want it, just stop.


Kursem_v2 t1_ja0010p wrote

wimdows 10 were built on metro design language introduced in 8, it is radically different than aero design from vista / 7 era, as much as fluent design language in windows 11 are "radically different".

you're just accustomed to windows 10.
