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b_a_t_m_4_n t1_j9ybyb1 wrote

I use it as my daily driver for everything. I've been designing my house for the past two years. I just don't recognize this picture you paint.

Have I spent a few hours fiddling with config files to get some esoteric bit of hardware working? Yes. Have I spent a few hours fiddling with drivers and the registry to get some esoteric bit of hardware working in Windows? Again yes. Once, when I set the system up.

IME Linux, once set up stays set up. It's Windows that randomly breaks, chokes itself on it own bloat and commits suicide by update.


FlyingCockAndBalls t1_j9ywjy4 wrote

Fr. Almost every time linux has broken on me, it was entirely my fault. Only thing I can think of that wasn't my fault was a bad grub update but that took less than 5 minutes to fix. Meanwhile I've had windows just spontaneously break for absolutely no reason


b_a_t_m_4_n t1_j9yxcvv wrote

Ah well, we won't talk about the times I broke Linux by poking bits I didn't understand properly....


__i_hate_reddit t1_ja1gtq4 wrote

oooh what are you using to design your house?


b_a_t_m_4_n t1_ja2ijl1 wrote

I'm using Blender. It's saved me, I don't know how many, thousands of pounds going round the design consultation loop with an architect because by the time we handed them the brief we had already honed it down to what we wanted and they just made some regulatory adjustments before going straight on to planning.