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Ok-Party-3033 t1_j9yrgtl wrote

I’m curious whether MS will disable Win10 before releasing Win12. That would suck.


Kursem_v2 t1_ja00kcu wrote

"disable" isn't the right word. Microsoft simply won't support Windows 10 at some point. that point are at least 2025 for consumer, 2027 for ltsc, or 2032 for iot.

you can still use it, though. you just won't get security updates anymore.


rastilin t1_ja426r7 wrote

No, disable probably is the right word. They'll push a "remote kill" update and one day the Windows 10 machines just won't make it past the login screen.


Kursem_v2 t1_ja42cr7 wrote

never happened to any previous retail windows.


rastilin t1_ja42nmw wrote

Windows 7 had an upgrade popup where the top right "x" button scheduled a midnight update, and no previous version of Windows had forced updates that you can't disable.


Kursem_v2 t1_ja42xk4 wrote

you can just pause updates indefinitely. besides, my point stands still that microsoft has never released a remote kill update. no indication that they'll do it now.


rastilin t1_ja43a4e wrote

You can't pause updates infinitely. The updates will restart and then force an install.

Microsoft has never had an opportunity to force people to upgrade, DOS didn't get updates. Up until Windows XP updates were something that for most people didn't happen outside of a service pack. Windows 7 had a surprise upgrade shoved out for it. Windows 10 is the first version of Windows that doesn't let you not upgrade. Someone in Microsoft will get the idea that they can just make people upgrade.


Kursem_v2 t1_ja44evh wrote

you can.

besides, correlation doesn't mean causation.

"oh, microsoft has forced updates, next they're gonna have remote kill to force upgrade rrreee".

yeah, right. sounds like a recipe for a lawsuit. microsoft just stop updating windows 10 in 2025 for consumer anyway. if you don't want to upgrade then don't, there's others who're willing. but no need to make a bogus statement.


GOR098 OP t1_j9zd1r5 wrote

You can't buy it anymore I think. But they are gonna support it till 2025. So, that's a good thing.


Few-Lemon8186 t1_j9zgmxp wrote

I wonder what they will do by 2025, Windows 11 is already Vista 2.0 in the business world, no company is upgrading their computers from 10 to 11, I’m sure they will all just jump to Windows 12, Whenever that is.