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QristopherQuixote t1_j8nw2c1 wrote

You shouldn't rely on science fiction to be your guide on how AI will evolve in the future. Skynet says it will be evil. In I, Robot it was insane. In Bicentennial man, it became fully human. In Star Wars it was benign and essentially slavish. The robots in Interstellar were essentially assistants who did not act independently. In Transcendence a human mind was "uploaded" creating a strong AI. In Chappy, AI happened by accident, resulting in strong AI formed in a robot and by creating a digital copy of a human mind.

Strong AI doesn't exist... yet.


ethereal3xp OP t1_j8ny7ty wrote

>You shouldn't rely on science fiction to be your guide on how AI will evolve in the future.

Why not?

They are ideas...good or bad

Contagion was a brilliant movie... and many parts true/did happen in terms of Covid (real life)

  • Self learning, consiousness, complex actions -... which is considered strong AI. 1st why are these things needed for humanity?

Eventually... it will mean "overriding" some of the human decisions

Is this notion better for humanity or not? Or pose as a danger?

And who will make this decision... a group of smart humans... or the so called strong AI they will create?


QristopherQuixote t1_j8ogjgs wrote

Do you need a history of all the things SciFi got wrong? Asimov, Heinlein, etc?

Contagion is based on actual science. Read books by Robin Cook if you want to see an actual scientist write science fiction. His book "vector" predicted the use of Anthrax as a terrorist weapon. However, folks like Michael Crichton have been spectacularly wrong even though he had an MD. Crichton was a science skeptic in some respects who questioned bans on DDT and wrote a book that made a mockery of environmental activism. He also wrote a book against AI called "Prey" which had a swarm intelligence using nanobots that was beyond silly.

We don't even know if strong AI is possible. It doesn't appear to be necessary for us to get value from task based AI. Artificial neural nets are everywhere including in cruise control in cars, smart thermostats, etc. Some smart phones like the Pixel have them. Components of AI are being used more and more.

We cannot confuse complexity with strong AI. Very complex AI systems can still be weak task based AI. Consciousness and independent action are not part of AI now. No existing AI system can be considered to be "thinking." This idea that an AI overlord will emerge to override human action is pure science fiction. The human brain has trillions of interconnections between billions of neurons with an incredible input system. No computer can match it yet.