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beef-o-lipso t1_j7kvc03 wrote

Was this writen by an AI (or American) trying to sound British? Way too many "boffins" to be natural, I think.


wsf t1_j7lc23t wrote

Must admit that "holiday in China" wasn't at the top of my list.


nicuramar t1_j7li0ww wrote

For me it’s… we’ll certainly not too, but much higher. I’m not American, so my perspective may be different… I don’t care for their government, of course, but I also don’t plan on visiting them.


Miguelboii t1_j7llm00 wrote

OnePlus phones haven’t been cheap anymore since more than a few years now


TSnowCrash t1_j7llvoz wrote

Yeah buy an iphone instead, they only collect 90% of the data. Or a Samsung that collects 89%.


willsher7 t1_j7lw8jx wrote

I phones are made in China. Motorola is a Chinese phone company.


rpo6ap t1_j7lxmq8 wrote

get a midrange redmi phone. unlock bootloader. flash lineageos.


mookiebomber t1_j7m6pib wrote

I wouldn't buy anything other than Xiaomi for now. I've owned; HTC (HTC Sensation, HTC One M8 and HTC U20) OnePlus (OnePlus 4, OnePlus 7) Apple (iPhone 3G, iPhone 4) Samsung (Galaxy 5) Blackberry (Passport and Priv). All of my phones were great at the time, but also they're getting more and more expensive every year, the technology has unreservedly stagnated, and only Xiaomi offers a decent price with great specs. That's why I bought the Poco X4 GT and I haven't regretted it at all. At only $300 I get the same performance from a $1,200 phone, the same design and looks, and if the price to pay is give my info to some the PRC, then so be it, as long as I get phones for $300 with 67w, this chipset, this camera and design, I will always go for that.


South_Job9704 t1_j7m6su0 wrote

iPhones are actually pretty decent to protect your own data. They offer a lot of encryption through the settings and they give you constant notifications about apps that are tracking you. Plus they have good security too. I remember when cops in the US had expensive cracking technology to access people’s phones when they were detained, and Apple made the phone’s storage totally inaccessible to combat that specific method of entry. I’m not a big phone nerd but I think they’re better than most competitors when it comes to protecting your own data.

In China, Apple does give the CPC access to their iCloud data, which sucks. Though that’s more evidence that we shouldn’t be traveling so often to China.


South_Job9704 t1_j7m92pg wrote

I agree it’s not perfect, but Apple and the other phone companies have been fixing those exploits since they’ve known about them. It’s not the same as the CPC government-mandated malware that exists on top of the typical data gathering that every phone company does worldwide. These are all soul-less corporations and nation-states in the end, but the US’s brand of liberalism means the CIA has to go through shady methods to hack these phones, unlike the CPC which just plants a member of the party into the board of directors and straight up threatens them to install spyware.


neutrilreddit t1_j7mqpma wrote

Only Chinese buy these phones right? Not like they have many options. Sucks though.


Stabile_Feldmaus t1_j7n35ws wrote

I hope you are able to realize that there is a huge difference between Western and Chinese intelligence agencies or rather the countries they work for. So China or the NSA gathering information about private citizens is not the same.


South_Job9704 t1_j7n67cc wrote

Which is so weird because Google (who own Android OS) is orders of magnitude worse when it comes to gathering data. I think they even beat Facebook when it comes to selling it. Apple by comparison makes most of its money from the products and services it sells, not data.


Valvador t1_j7nar81 wrote

During the "3G" launch in the US, my parents used a non-internet plan on their phone. They stayed on the system grandfathered for a looong time.

Bought a cheap Chinese Android phone some time later, found out they had a 4000$ phone bill because for some reason the phone was sending some data somewhere to China.

Ended up reporting it to FBI, but I doubt anything came of it.


mastycus t1_j7nmdfm wrote

Article is a pathetic paid propaganda hit piece.

Google switched maps and gmail domains to be subdomains of, so whenever you use maps u give your full location permissions - but noone bats an eye or even "concerned".

Sorry - I'm way way more concerned about us gov spying on me then Chinese - they can't reach me to f me over.


LadyMoonsong t1_j7oe4bo wrote

I have a Poco F3. I figure China already has all of my information and half of my nudes, so I'm just going to enjoy my snappy phone 🤷🏻‍♀️


daemon86 t1_j7p1l6f wrote

way more than what, Google phones? I highly doubt it


mordecaidrake t1_j7pfcfd wrote

Between Chinese phone and just Google services, it amazes me that anyone uses android anymore, especially if they care about any sort of data privacy.


everyothernamegone t1_j7ppibs wrote

Since pretty much the only people buying phones in China are Chinese and they all know their government is spying on them, this isn’t much of a story.