Banea-Vaedr t1_ja9748w wrote
I always say the Chinese Communist Party doesn't influence the American education system enough. Thank God they can teach us about the weaknesses of Democracy
GongTzu t1_ja989sq wrote
Second leg into American society, here they go.
[deleted] t1_ja9daww wrote
[deleted] t1_ja9fol5 wrote
xCaldy t1_ja9lamf wrote
Wall payment
sanjsrik t1_ja9r38c wrote
How quickly before they are banned from all schools?
nicuramar t1_ja9udtt wrote
There is definitely a lot of fear around Reddit.
Electronic_Mine794 t1_jaa5cyi wrote
On a thread about educational tech to boot ðŸ«
[deleted] t1_jabkwm8 wrote
GMW-5610 t1_ja96zc4 wrote
Love reading this news knowing that Reddit is absolutely gonna lose its mind.
Keep them coming, ByteDance lmao