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Heres_your_sign t1_j9rsm0p wrote

> “Everyone’s just like, how do we trust these people anymore?” one employee said.

Who actually trusts their employer?!?! Especially Amazon? If you didn't have it in an actual contract you will be screwed. If you did have a contract, run, don't walk, to a lawyer and file a lawsuit.


freediverx01 t1_j9t80aa wrote

While one should always assume an adversarial relationship with one’s employer, the dynamics can vary greatly depending on the company and the executives you work under.

Amazon is not the norm. Amazon is a vile company with vile leadership.


[deleted] t1_j9rw8hz wrote

as long as they pay you severance that can let you go for whatever reason they want


iamComfortablyDone t1_j9s27xx wrote

Almost. There is the harassment and retaliation component that remains illegal.


SLUer12 t1_j9uprkb wrote

Letting you go because you don't want to come to the office hardly counts as harassment or retaliation. These employees have nothing on Amazon because I'm 100% sure it's not in their contract to be WFH forever.