Wizard_of_Rozz t1_ja0rsom wrote
AI Pornhub gonna clean the fuck up soon
[deleted] t1_ja0snsy wrote
apextek t1_ja0t8ja wrote
the real AI pornhub will be insane. Your virtual gfe/bfe/etc.. whatever that does whatever whoever and however, spends their downtime researching ways to trigger pleasure responses catered specifically to your likes, kinks and behavioral patterns. Then comes the real world body avatars
[deleted] t1_ja0w1dt wrote
yaosio t1_ja10jp5 wrote
You can use Stable Diffusion to generate all the pornographic images you want. There's a lot of SFW and NSFW models for download on
Mr8BitX t1_ja10nng wrote
I can hear the foot fetish crowd laughing arrogantly in the distance.
DevAnalyzeOperate t1_ja11gdi wrote
Seems so unnessecary. It seems to me any model which is good at producing porn is probably going to be one trained on a bunch of pornographic images so midjourney shouldn't even be ones first choice. This is just an exposed ankle moral panic that people are *gasp* jerking off to AI!
lucimon97 t1_ja12kd1 wrote
Yeah, I'm struggling to understand who is being hurt here. Like, what's the big deal?
[deleted] t1_ja12qud wrote
kaptainkeel t1_ja13d30 wrote
>Then comes the real world body avatars
RealDoll is already playing with that by having AI in porn dolls, e.g. they react verbally based on what you are doing.
I've seen various estimates that there will be newer language models 10x better than ChatGPT within the next year. The speed that the field is improving is absurd. I'd be unsurprised if we get low-res videos by the end of this year (by low-res I mean 480p maybe). There was already that 24/7 AI-generated Seinfeld on Twitch, although that wasn't exactly what I'd call quality.
DevAnalyzeOperate t1_ja145o5 wrote
One day we start using AI and BANG! The sex industry might not have as much demand for porn actors and nude models! Pimps will go out of business! Won't somebody PLEASE think of the pimps?? How will Andrew Tate be able to make his millions?
ActuatorMaterial2846 t1_ja14o3n wrote
Well, I guess someone is looking for money from investors. This is just going to drive people to the open source sector.
lucimon97 t1_ja164qj wrote
Andrew Tate was doing human trafficking too though, so as long as the AI doesnt offer sex slaves, he will be fine.
Miguel-odon t1_ja16bid wrote
Here's an educational video
littleMAS t1_ja16opn wrote
Filtering this kind of stuff is a software Wac-A-Mole.
DullSkullz t1_ja1agto wrote
how does it do on pop ups?
spike4379 t1_ja1aios wrote
I think they already have been man.
[deleted] t1_ja1brf3 wrote
[deleted] t1_ja1c2wg wrote
mrkvsenzawa t1_ja1caqu wrote
Yeah, good luck. Porn and memes are pretty much 80% of the demand for AI image generators right now.
VolatileOntology t1_ja1ec4f wrote
The streets will outplay the scientists. Your invention WILL produce porn.
Objective_Fox_6321 t1_ja1edf9 wrote
Armpits are free real estate too
[deleted] t1_ja1en03 wrote
Objective_Fox_6321 t1_ja1gn6p wrote
I made a post about this elsewhere and it fell on deaf ears. People don't understand how close we really are to extremely convincing Ai. Back in October, had the best ERP/RP bots you could potentially design. I've created no less than 120 bots now with their lobotomized 175B, but it's still decent. Given what I know, a trained model on ERP, Literotica, Ao3, Discord logs, and a few obscure kinks from other sources would be all you'd need for text. Once Ai can parse video footage and train the model on the context you'll have even better results. Combine that with TtS synthesis from Microsoft + 11 labs and you now have the ability to hear any person you choose. Realdoll is undeniably the most realistic as far as I've seen and the cost is relatively cheap. We still need development for IK so the dolls don't accidentally snap your dick off, but we can work that out.
The short-term goal is to use SDG for mapping good profile photos, take it into Blender for 3D mesh, export it to Unreal, and use Meta-Human for the body. You can use a live link to animate the face/body or D-ID for their service. Personalized VR will hold people down until Dolls reach their next stage.
rayofenfeeblement t1_ja1h8l5 wrote
people going to get M3GANed
DayDreamer9119 t1_ja1hpiz wrote
And this is why I can't melt a cat's face into someone's ass cheek. Thanks.
hsrguzxvwxlxpnzhgvi t1_ja1hrnt wrote
I don't think this is ever going to be a thing. All it takes is one, just one person to generate underage person using your site and you are in such deep fucking trouble.
Pornhub got into trouble before because of potential CP. I don't think they want to touch that hornets' nest for a while.
Edit: I also think that the fear of CP is behind this ban from midjourneys part as well. The complete removal of NSFW from Stable Diffusion models was because of CP fears and the creators went into this lengthy rant on how you can't have model that can do NSFW and also kids or else... so they removed the NSFW.
kaptainkeel t1_ja1iqjj wrote
A lot of people are scared about the repercussions, but personally I'm incredibly excited. Yeah, there are going to be bad actors that use it maliciously. There's no way to stop that; even if it takes a large company to run a large model that can restrict biases and such right now, a few years from now anyone will be able to do it on their own PC in 2 seconds.
But the beneficial uses? Lordy. Even skipping over the basic stuff like photoreal pictures/videos, once we can combine all of them is going to be amazing. Imagine an RPG game where all of the dialogue, quests, etc. are crafted procedurally. "Completing" the game won't happen in a week at that point since you could have literally thousands of different quests with procedurally generated dialogue, storylines, and NPCs. You may not even be able to "complete" it at all.
On the extreme end, I see an entire world (see: MMORPG) being created by AI before being fleshed out/detailed by humans with a few hand-crafted elements for details the devs specifically want. Characters/art being generated by AI. Dialogue/writing elements being generated by language models. Entire libraries of AI-generated books based on the in-game world's history. Or even skip those last few things and just give a baseline world and let it run for 1,000 years in-game time to see what comes up, i.e. let the world detail itself. Bards at the local town tavern playing AI-generated music. The biggest thing stopping this from happening right now, I think, is finding a way to make all of these work together in a coherent way. Toss in an AI that knows how to code/optimize stuff and it's even better.
Gutotito t1_ja1ire4 wrote
K. But..... why? Where's the ethical line, here?
deaddonkey t1_ja1jii8 wrote
Yeah AIs gonna be a very fun distraction while society disintegrates. Genuinely. Internet’s been endlessly fun too.
I’ve been laughing my ass off at these deepfake+AI impersonations of politicians and streamers arguing with each other these last few weeks
deaddonkey t1_ja1jv13 wrote
I could be wrong but I believe it was human trafficking in the sense he was withholding his camgirls’ passports nd manipulating them. But they were ultimately Camgirls and not prostitutes - this is an industry AI can and probably should replace
Anyway fuck I never want to hear about that irrelevant moron again
Objective_Fox_6321 t1_ja1jxpu wrote
I mean, I write over 60k words a week on an average using GPT/ already. A dedicated staff of people could fill entire Wikipedia pages with curated content for a game in no time at all.
If you're familiar with W++ and basic storyboarding you can easily create dozens of unique characters each day too. I personally use python lists and I have a prompt that acts as two “players” then I give GPT a rough idea of the scene and see where things go.
You can create dynamic personalities, and writing styles for each character as well as add additional lore by creating new items in the python list.
Although, my fear is censorship in the west. It seems like that's the current play most of these companies want to take. So I'm hoping China grows a pair and offers unrestricted Ai via Tencent. I'd gladly give them my logs/prompts in exchange for unbridled power.
pekinggeese t1_ja1k70o wrote
Show me a hot Asian not his stepmother stuck in a washing machine
phoenixstew t1_ja1k7hj wrote
Somebody please try, human mammalian genetic material excretors and receptacles.
GeneralFactotum t1_ja1kv4n wrote
What about an octopus hugging my step-sister? Inquiring minds want to know.
kaptainkeel t1_ja1l5e3 wrote
You could create dozens of unique characters per day, but ultimately they're going to be linear. They won't react in-the-moment based on your/other NPC's decisions. A future version of GPT could allow for real-time decision-making by the NPCs. Those items and such? All generated on the fly.
frogandbanjo t1_ja1lq4x wrote
You're hoping that China decides to not censor things.
slimepsychic t1_ja1m99i wrote
maybe next they'll block using works owned by other people
[deleted] t1_ja1nz2k wrote
Just plug Dwarf Fortress into the AI and wait for the end times.
nudifyme69 t1_ja1oti1 wrote
sadly now the real shit left is stable diffusion
Kromgar t1_ja1pdfb wrote
People are already training image ais on their kinks... those foot fetishists and their 17 toes...
LordBammith t1_ja1pe3q wrote
Monte924 t1_ja1q78m wrote
Actually thinking about it, it might not be a moral panic thing. It could be that if people use midjourney for pornography, that will play a roll in its training that could screw up the searches for others. Its like using google search with safe search turned off; even a perfectly innocent search can still result in NSFW results. So they exclude the porn searching while the AI learns so that it doesn't pick up bad habits while its in the early stages of its training
Also the company might also not want their AI to get associated with porn. That's just not good for PR
[deleted] t1_ja1t4bg wrote
dotheit t1_ja1tzi9 wrote
Franks and Beans?
Mightiest-WCA t1_ja1uzf8 wrote
So vaginal is out but anal is still in?
Overall-Business-624 t1_ja1zmra wrote
its almost here they even have a section for celebrities
AyoTaika t1_ja23pv2 wrote
Lmao why do they hate erotic artwork so much?
AI_Love_137 t1_ja242c5 wrote
As someone who does just that and hope to see it take off, I assure you that’s not the case right now.
MrHara t1_ja246ay wrote
The cat is already out of the bag with the Stable Diffusion part in all honesty, since earlier models are available to find. At this point it's just a way to save face that makes little difference for the available application of it really.
mrkvsenzawa t1_ja24xvg wrote
How so? What do you believe people are using it for right now, based on your experience?
AmericanKamikaze t1_ja25bir wrote
Is there currently anywhere on to roleplay nsfw or create a story with ai? Or have they all been neutered? Ai Dungeon was great until they changed their model.
Objective_Fox_6321 t1_ja25ujg wrote
Not really, no. Unless you want to jump through a dozen hoops and deal with the ongoing headache of knowing a secret password that is coded in base64 then have knowledge of some obscure meme that only 3-4 people on a discord know about.
Just give it a few months until something decent comes out. But don't hold your breath either. I've been using with pygmalion. It's not great but I typically write both my prompt and the Ai anyway so it doesn't bother me much.
Ideally, OpenAi API + Tavern is the best solution currently, if you can get everything to play nicely.
co5mosk-read t1_ja260ma wrote
date only robots
diaryofsnow t1_ja2711w wrote
Are you saying you can download a version of Midjourney that does porn?
diaryofsnow t1_ja2732l wrote
SEO optimization and content creation are a huge one
Mjolnir2000 t1_ja274pq wrote
Yep, if you're providing a generative model as a service, then it's ultimately you generating the content, and you who are liable for said content.
SansSariph t1_ja27kf1 wrote
Sudowrite claims to have a looser content policy for authoring fiction, and has a pretty impressive set of tools.
AMirrorForReddit t1_ja28h6y wrote
Pretty much. And AI porn is already huge, and hyper realistic.
[deleted] t1_ja2928l wrote
ptd163 t1_ja29epl wrote
Alternative title: Midjourney decides to pull a Tumblr.
mrkvsenzawa t1_ja29io6 wrote
How do you optimize SEO using an image generator?
diaryofsnow t1_ja2a99p wrote
My bad I thought you were talking about AI in general, I meant ChatGPT.
MrHara t1_ja2ai6h wrote
I do know there was one leak of Midjourney's model at one point, but not sure how updated it is.
I was referring to things like the earlier Stable Diffusion 1.5 or specialized models that are more specifically for that purpose.
clarity_scarcity t1_ja2alw6 wrote
It’s an interesting concept. If by having some virtual experience that results in fewer people being harmed in real life, I’m leaning in that direction until a better solution comes along.
[deleted] t1_ja2asea wrote
diaryofsnow t1_ja2f42h wrote
shefu_shefilor t1_ja2gd2j wrote
Wtf man you need a hobby
[deleted] t1_ja2jboh wrote
aswerty12 t1_ja2l10q wrote
There's a couple free models you can run locally online/run on Google colab. But for the most part the erp chatbot market is intentionally something companies are training their models to not cater to so all of them are basically open source projects that are a bit behind the cutting edge. If you want a good place to start searching look up kobold ai.
gagoff t1_ja2ntuk wrote
thank or curse me out later
sprkng t1_ja2o2rg wrote
I would guess that they primarily don't want their service to be used for generating fake celebrity nudes and child porn, which might be illegal in some countries despite not being real photos.
SonOfSwanson87 t1_ja2prfq wrote
Don't worry, Stable Diffusion is for those who want an AI with a mind as filthy as their.
SpiritualTwo5256 t1_ja2s69v wrote
Would rather they create ai of it than do it with real kids. Idk about everyone else, but there is no way to remove everyone with that condition.
quettil t1_ja2vwc7 wrote
Imagine the tiktok of porn, AI generated. In VR, attached to a self-pumping fleshlight.
quettil t1_ja2vzoq wrote
Is AI as bad at feet as it is at hands?
Khelthuzaad t1_ja33qzo wrote
Good luck with that.
80-70% of demanded/payed art is porn.
Many artists joke about how they sustain themselves by drawing strange fetish porn.
BJaacmoens t1_ja3cu11 wrote
People who live alone?
Jay18001 t1_ja3ho6g wrote
Rule 34 is going to really take off
hyldemarv t1_ja3ii14 wrote
The tragedy is knowing that, we have these great and powerful tools, but, once everyone has made them “safe” “for us” all they can do will be producing 5 ingredients baking recipes!
LoafyLemon t1_ja3jig2 wrote
When you don't want your wife to find out you play video games
[deleted] t1_ja3l4lp wrote
soreff2 t1_ja3pb20 wrote
Many Thanks!
zeezero t1_ja3rhbn wrote
This is 100% going to be a thing. Many times over.
Moist_When_It_Counts t1_ja3t2o8 wrote
Also butt stuff?
fixit858 t1_ja3x40r wrote
This should do wonders at preventing access to birth control and STD information
bigbangbilly t1_ja4282h wrote
Like tumblr back then?
gordo65 t1_ja433zk wrote
I’m reminded of the time a convention for orthopedic surgeons has to re-do an online press release because their anti porn software has edited out all instances of the word “bone”.
kamiheku t1_ja4a2bm wrote
> There was already that 24/7 AI-generated Seinfeld on Twitch
Do note that the visuals weren't AI generated in that
[deleted] t1_ja4cb96 wrote
Nervousemu t1_ja4dewp wrote
Personally I use it to generate art for my TTRPG games.
FixTheGrammar t1_ja4f1t8 wrote
“Low res”? The video resolution wouldn’t be a limiting factor here. If and when something like this exists, it’ll be 8K HDR whatever.
odaeyss t1_ja4fiw8 wrote
No thanks, I'd rather make out with my Marilyn Monrobot!
kaptainkeel t1_ja4fm5j wrote
Maybe. Generating even a single image of that size takes a long time right now, though, let alone enough images to fit a decent length video.
keylimedragon t1_ja4p2l5 wrote
Models aren't trained based on what people search though, it's usually done beforehand with a large set of training data (chatGPT might also use the thumbs up/down though for training). It's more likely they're trying to avoid liability and controversy.
Mar1Fox t1_ja4tpez wrote
What a bunch of kill joys. Art is supposed to evoke emotional reactions. Such restriction basically guarantee one cannot refer to images generated by mid journey as art. If it can produce shock art then nothing it produces can qualify as art.
driverofracecars t1_ja4u58e wrote
>RealDoll is already playing with that by having AI in porn dolls, e.g. they react verbally based on what you are doing.
As if realdolls weren't creepy enough.
[deleted] t1_ja4vh6p wrote
CredibleCactus t1_ja4xvyu wrote
Is there a mobile version of something like this?
houseofprimetofu t1_ja4y1qc wrote
Midjourney is on Discord, and Discord has rules. Midjourney may need to follow those rules.
austinmiles t1_ja4zmvh wrote
> The prompt ban was first spotted by Julia Rockwell, a clinical data analyst at Datafy Clinical, and her friend Madeline Keenen, a cell biologist at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
No. No it wasn’t first spotted by them. Its well known if you use midjourney at all since it comes up pretty regularly. It’s also well understood why since we’ve seen so many language models start spitting out racist garbage. I’d you could easily make porn or gore from AI then quickly all image generator models would default to that.
It’s interesting to have an article letting those who don’t use it know about it, but it frames it like it’s unusual or overkill. And realistically it’s not going to make a scientifically accurate image of those things anyways at this point.
yaosio t1_ja4zry5 wrote
You could try using Google Colab to run it, but your results will vary. You should be able to use free Google Colab for this. I've never used it in Google Colab so I can't provide any information on how to run it.
[deleted] t1_ja52c4p wrote
mrturret t1_ja571jl wrote
If you really want to make a living off art, go down to Futaffinity and start drawing yiff. Furries drop serious cash for good yiff.
jdm1891 t1_ja577xe wrote
I'm just patiently waiting for when AI can make (good) new star trek TNG/VOY/DS9 episodes, like the fun goofy alien of the week ones, convincingly - then I'm going to retreat into the woods with a few solar panels and sit and watch infinite AI shows while society collapses. Oh, yeah, and there will be ai generated blackjack and hookers too.
Yuli-Ban t1_ja5fctw wrote
> If someone types “placenta,” “fallopian tubes,” “mammary glands,” “sperm,” “uterine,” “urethra,” “cervix,” “hymen,” or “vulva” into Midjourney, the system flags the word as a banned prompt and doesn’t let it be used.
"Fuck it, let's just ban women from Midjourney."
"What about men?"
"No need, nothing sexual about men except penises."
Like... the harder you prude out, the more misogynistic you wind up becoming.
TrinityF t1_ja5nrgi wrote
AI image geenrator users
99.8% amateurs Generating porn.
0.02% Actual Artists trying to make a living from it
GrimOfDooom t1_ja5wr9k wrote
So… I can no longer study human anatomy then?
tms10000 t1_ja6ft68 wrote
I will let you decide for yourself, but I warn you that some things can't be unseen. In this image, it's not just the feet nor the toes.
[deleted] t1_ja6klg3 wrote
EMCQ t1_ja7wnme wrote
Search engine optimization... optimization?
Pretend-Marsupial258 t1_ja8pdxa wrote
Are you on a newer iphone? There are apps like this for iphones. I know some people are trying to get android apps too, but the ones I know of are run on the cloud and include ads, so using Google colab might be a better option.
CredibleCactus t1_ja8pik1 wrote
Oh awesome! This one looks really good
Pretend-Marsupial258 t1_ja8plf2 wrote
Discord allows porn, though.
Pretend-Marsupial258 t1_ja8pwbs wrote
It depends on what AI you're using. Feet comparison between Midjourney and StableDiffusion.
Pretend-Marsupial258 t1_ja8qucm wrote
You can also download custom Civitai models into the app. Go to Civitai and click the green arrow to see if it's compatible before downloading. The best option to download is the safetensors format +pruned if possible. Pruned uses less disk space, and the only downside is that you can't use it to train new models. Model training requires a 12GB GPU so you aren't going to be able to train a new model on an iphone anyway.
diaryofsnow t1_ja952v0 wrote
BirthdayBeautiful547 t1_ja9bput wrote
Dude, I thought I was the only one with this idea.
Lest make this and sell it to ReallDoll.
I already have a small team working on some AI products, but if you want to work with we, then we will add this to the mix.
Message me if you want.
marketrent OP t1_ja0r9to wrote
Excerpt from the linked content^1 by Melissa Heikkilä:
>The popular AI image generator Midjourney bans a wide range of words about the human reproductive system from being used as prompts, MIT Technology Review has discovered.
>If someone types “placenta,” “fallopian tubes,” “mammary glands,” “sperm,” “uterine,” “urethra,” “cervix,” “hymen,” or “vulva” into Midjourney, the system flags the word as a banned prompt and doesn’t let it be used.
>Sometimes, users who tried one of these prompts are blocked for a limited time for trying to generate banned content. Other words relating to human biology, such as “liver” and “kidney,” are allowed.
>Midjourney’s founder, David Holz, says it’s banning these words as a stopgap measure to prevent people from generating shocking or gory content while the company “improves things on the AI side.” Holz says moderators watch how words are being used and what kinds of images are being generated, and adjust the bans periodically.
>The firm has a community guidelines page that lists the type of content it blocks in this way, including sexual imagery, gore, and even the 🍑 emoji, which is often used as a symbol for the buttocks.
>Some terms relating to the male reproductive system, such as “sperm” and “testicles,” are blocked too, but the list of banned words seems to skew predominantly female.
>The prompt ban was first spotted by Julia Rockwell, a clinical data analyst at Datafy Clinical, and her friend Madeline Keenen, a cell biologist at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
^1 Melissa Heikkilä, MIT Technology Review, 24 Feb. 2023,