PEVEI t1_jadyceb wrote
So far the only downside of what people are laughingly calling AI these days is the endless flood of shit articles using it to scour for clicks, and the people who read them and take them as gospel.
elister t1_jadzb24 wrote
Wheres all this deepfake celebrity porn I keep reading about?
SirRedRising t1_jae0lad wrote
Yeah, but like which websites specifically? There are just so many out there now, you know?
elister t1_jae0zjz wrote
But which one? Asking for a friend.
wiedmaier t1_jae38om wrote
Did you watch the Super Bowl? Have you seen the new Indiana Jones trailer?
Hell, have you seen the guy on Facebook who changes all kinds of silly clips so they feature u/GovSchwarzenegger ?
The AI technology for faking someone’s image and voice are getting very good very rapidly and they’re getting very cheap as well.
It isn’t about the need to invent from whole cloth. Get a few look alike actors, and some voice and head deepfake AI and now you’ve got Joe Biden on a hot mic wanting to grab em by something even more vulgar. Hell, forget the actor, I could get an audio clip of Biden asking for Arizona to find eleven thousand seven hundred and eighty TWO votes.
A quarter of the country believes the election was stolen based off lies and zero evidence. Imagine what kind of “evidence” can be produced by bad actors that will be repeated over and over on propaganda networks “just asking questions”.
PEVEI t1_jae3qjk wrote
> Did you watch the Super Bowl? Have you seen the new Indiana Jones trailer?
No and no.
> Hell, have you seen the guy on Facebook who changes all kinds of silly clips so they feature u/GovSchwarzenegger ?
I've never been on FB.
> The AI technology for faking someone’s image and voice are getting very good very rapidly and they’re getting very cheap as well.
I wouldn't normally associate Superbowl ad spend with "cheap", but I take your point. Is there some indication that the ability to fake these images is outpacing the ability to detect the fakes?
> It isn’t about the need to invent from whole cloth. Get a few look alike actors, and some voice and head deepfake AI and now you’ve got Joe Biden on a hot mic wanting to grab em by something even more vulgar. Hell, forget the actor, I could get an audio clip of Biden asking for Arizona to find eleven thousand seven hundred and eighty TWO votes.
> A quarter of the country believes the election was stolen based off lies and zero evidence. Imagine what kind of “evidence” can be produced by bad actors that will be repeated over and over on propaganda networks “just asking questions”.
I think this is a bit backwards, people don't even need evidence to believe what they want to believe, why do you assume that fake evidence would make that problem worse? At least with fakes you have the blowback from them being exposed as fake, with pure fantasy you can't even do that.
Either way calling these systems "AI" is only useful to marketing teams and hysterics, they aren't artificial intelligence. This is to the point that the FTC recently had to release a warning to stop with the bs marketing.
whatistheformat t1_jae3y6i wrote
And the groundwork has already been laid on social media for unwitting citizens to sympathize with these hostile powers. just wait until your grandma is absolutely convinced something is real not because a foxnews asshole said so- because she has "proof."
[deleted] t1_jae7a7t wrote
use_vpn_orlozeacount t1_jae7hwc wrote
My dude, you have blinders on. It's still primitive yes, būt you have to be a fool to not see which way the wind is blowing
PEVEI t1_jae7pul wrote
This is the same argument from people 5 years ago when the self-driving push was in full swing, until it became undeniable that the last 1%-2% of that hard problem was faaaar more difficult than the preceeding 98%.
I fully expect it to take a similar amount of time for reality to seep through hysteria in this case.
monchota t1_jaemsgv wrote
Its going to be used more to call real info fake.
axb2013 t1_jaeqwy3 wrote
Just the other day, for an inside joke between a couple of friends, in a span of 20 minutes, using free tools, I created two fake videos, one from scratch, the other using a pic of me. Both had TTS audio. The one I generated of my image, should have been more difficult yet the way it generated facial motion was extremely impressive. It "understood" the interaction of light and casting correct shadows as it added head movements into the still image I provided. Even the free tools are excellent as far visuals and facial motions of speech are concerned. The audio part is behind but this is a free tool. Pro Neural TTS audio tools are an unknown to me. I imagine it gets really scary if it's fed a lot of samples of my voice.
nerd4code t1_jaetl6i wrote
> just wait until
Was the rock you’ve been under nice, at least?
eggsssssssss t1_jaf4bzn wrote
Manufactured consent-manufacturing factories?
HanaBothWays t1_jadwcor wrote
The most destabilizing stuff has been from internal actors and they didn’t need AIs for that.
I do think there’s some cause for concern in that foreign actors who previously had a difficult time producing useful (for their purposes) English-language content may have an easier time now that they have Large Language Models (LLMs). But there are still going to be barriers.
You would still need fluent English speakers to prompt the LLM, check the output, and edit it. Even native English speakers trying to get an essay out of ChatGPT often can’t use the raw product without reworking it a little. Someone who speaks little or no English trying to use one of these to write English disinformation is only going to get the “right” disinformation by accident.