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FreeWildbahn t1_j83qro8 wrote

Did you calculate the number of combinations? 62^16 are 4.7 * 10^28 combinations. This will hold for a veeeery long time.


Dominicus1165 t1_j83t9mx wrote

As Long as the password is not vulnerable to a rainbow table attack


FreeWildbahn t1_j84wf1x wrote

For a rainbow table attack you need a hash like the passwd file on linux systems. But we are talking about cracking a password safe.


jmpalermo t1_j85whp1 wrote

Any responsible site will salt the password before hashing it which makes rainbow table attacks worthless. Not every site is responsible though…


sopwath t1_j87biaq wrote

That’s not what a rainbow table is. Also, rainbow tables are defeated by salting.


Dominicus1165 t1_j87obtb wrote

Yeah i know. I meant a dictionary attack… with the dictionary provided by the user and only the correct websites to be found.


Toasty27 t1_j881vl9 wrote

Rainbow tables are easily thwarted by salting passwords before hashing. Most systems do this nowadays. Pretty sure LP also does this.