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moses420bush t1_jdggd2m wrote

Lol who the fuck thinks coming to the UK is a good idea rn


Sly1969 t1_jdgn76j wrote

I don't think they'll be coming to the UK post brexit.


fundamentallys t1_jdgnwew wrote

if you look at people who work in tech. majority of the engineers are foreign, the local Americans are in sales and marketing. So this definitely checks out. Without foreign talent, Americans are going to be stuck selling and marketing to each other 20 year technologies


Western-Image7125 t1_jdgnwf4 wrote

Well obviously people from South Asia and Southeast Asia who all have learnt English since kindergarten will want to go to the UK or Canada if US is no longer an option. I dunno about Japan though, I thought they were generally anti-immigration


occipixel_lobe t1_jdgqtk2 wrote

This is propaganda to make workers cheaper for certain companies in the US by manufacturing consent.


ay8xT4 t1_jdgrjyh wrote

Hahaha - have they ever looked at salaries in those countries?

As a Europoor I can assure you the Tech immigration is only going the other direction. Americans earn at least 3x the salaries with lower taxes too.


1Beholderandrip t1_jdgtivf wrote

or, and hear me out for a moment: We tell the colleges to get bent, force them to lower their stupidly insane prices, so that more people can get educated to increase the number of tech workers instead of relying on outsiders while the people here get screwed over.


4Wf2n5 t1_jdguyl6 wrote

He didn't say there weren't jobs, just that they pay poorly.

In the USA they can get like $200k with some years of experience - you'd never get that in your entire career in Europe (incl. UK).


Various-Air-1398 t1_jdgypap wrote

With China aligning with Russia time to ban all chicom nationals from U.S. employment and research universities.


zUdio t1_jdhmnwu wrote

Exactly same as the TikTok trash heap of a debate. We are in a new era of yellow journalism. ALL journalism is focused on profit now; not truth. When those two happen to align, it’s great, but media orgs aren’t fretting themselves anymore on the latter. It’s whatever gets them revenue and their main source of free leads is government officials spoonfeeding them propaganda. They’d rather say, “wait, you don’t trust the government? Are you paranoid, schizo?” than have to gather and investigate stories on their own, which takes time and money. Instead, they have to gaslight us into thinking it’s us who turned yellow and not them.


CalmLake999 t1_jdhot5g wrote

Ah don't worry, AI will take all those jobs away and everyone will be poor in America apart from congress and 5 other people.


nobody_smith723 t1_jdkyw69 wrote

good luck with that. America is so hyped up on racism, immigration reform is a non-starter.

like could you imagine the mish mash of shitty conservative racist rage... and stupidity surrounding technology.

...does your rapist mexican access my home wifi network?


Waaypoint t1_jdlir1q wrote

I've largely had this experience. It was more expensive, added levels of management difficulty, and introduced other intangible challenges. It wasn't some nebulous corporate "greed" it was the fact that we could not find enough candidates for certain roles in the US. Finding local talent wasn't really an option in a lot of cases. I head hunted at colleges, sponsored paid internships, advised on courses and classes that would place someone at the front of the line for our jobs.

The bigger travesty is when we wouldn't promote internal candidates with tons of institutional knowledge, good performance reviews, and drive (regardless of their immigration status). The company always caped their salary expansion or always refused to match external or internal offers. Those people rightfully left for better paying jobs taking their experience and internal knowledge with them. We would then hire some green recruit who we would spend thousands onboarding and training for more than the previous employees ask because we had to hire within industry pay bands. In my experience, every single person that asked for an increase or match ended up leaving, so it wasn't a bigger picture numbers game. If anything, it encouraged other workers to seek employment elsewhere.


Waaypoint t1_jdljeq6 wrote

Salary is lower but things like healthcare access and cost, educational opportunities for kids, and freedom to access information are better in the UK at the moment.

That and working in the US is highly dependent on where you live and it has been exacerbated by recent changes in laws in certain states.

For example, women cannot receive adequate care in many states because of draconian abortion laws. If you have a child who is trans they might not be able to receive treatment.

You also have major educational gaps developing in some states. There are states that are trying to ban mentioning the existence of the LGBTQ population or racial bias in public schools. Setting aside the perceived morality of this, it hamstrings the students if they want to go into certain fields. If you have a child educated in this system they are going to be at a significant disadvantage relative to their peers from other states.


Waaypoint t1_jdpzelg wrote

I've seen some really exaggerated comments about Americans all landing 200k a year jobs after taking a few online classes.

The reality is that the average pay is around 113K USD for a role like SW developer. Further, most of the high salaries are if you work in the bay area. (San Francisco, Sunnyvale, San Jose, etc, California, USA)


By state views.

One thing you will notice is that these cities are the ones all our "red" state Americans complain about. e.g. Shit in the streets, zombies on meth, crap.

Two things about that.

  1. There are very large homeless populations in these cities (and growing). I live in one of these cities and the only place with income disparity worse is Brazil.
  2. The cost of living in those areas is very high compared to other US states. I can buy a house for 100k in my midwest hometown. The same size house in the city I live in now is over 1M. A two bedroom 700 sf house with no parking goes for 500K on the low end.

Looking at the UK the average pay for a SW developer is 65K pounds (79,300 USD with Google's current conversion rate).

So, lets say there is a 35K difference is pay on average. Again, this is probably skewed by CA, but meh.

I pay around 25k out of my salary for my retirement in the US and about 15K in health insurance. That is not unusual and it is much more if you have a spouse who does not work. Anyway, that extra pay disappears quickly because we do not have a safety net or universal services in the US.

TLDR: You might feel like you have more money in the US, but the reality is that that money disappears quickly because America is mostly a fast food restaurant pretending to be fine dining.


Piece_Far t1_jdwls7k wrote

You can tell by the username that this was going to be spam