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rubixd t1_jeai4nk wrote

I thought this was Luddite nonsense until I read the article.

They are very concerned about people being able to manipulate the bots quickly manufacture and disseminate “fake news”, among a few other things.

They want regulation.


CrelbowMannschaft t1_jeash8g wrote

It is just not possible for democratic governments to keep up with the pace of technological innovation. Regulation isn't going to happen. And if it does, it will be obsoleted before the president even approves it.


yaosio t1_jeb0zh9 wrote

They're okay with corporations and the government lying to us. Suddenly they don't like it when anybody can do it.


fleeting_revelation t1_jeaznoh wrote

It's pretty fast already, this seems like something we should have worried about years ago. I don't think AI is going to make it much worse than it already is. The benefits far outweigh the costs. There is diminishing returns on fake news like anything else. Maybe if we worried about this 5 years ago. Now it seems like chasing the horse after it already left the barn.


fleeting_revelation t1_jeb0gb5 wrote

One other thing I wanted to mention is that you really have to be apprehensive about regulations in this instance because the "big guys" are suddenly calling for regulations. This is because they benefit from extra regulations because it strangles small start ups that can't deal with the new regulation requirements and makes any start up far more capital intensive when interest rates are rising. This could stifle competition and make this tech more expensive for all of us and even possibly deny more innovation in the space. There are reasons to be cautious but also skeptical as this tech is just in it's infancy.


yaosio t1_jeb18dd wrote

That's closing the barn door after the horses have escaped. Chasing the horses could result in a good outcome, while closing the doors won't help because the horses are already gone.


_Oman t1_jebu0dy wrote

There are already farms in China and Russia churning out fake news at thousands of lines per minute. Maybe it's time AI steps in and does it faster, because it will force some sort of change.