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halfanothersdozen t1_jdzwzhe wrote

He said she said between the employer and the union. If Apple had "cause" there's not much they can do about it. If you bite the hand that feeds you don't be surprised when they go looking for reasons to fire you.


braiam t1_je1wwzo wrote

Except that you can challenge the "cause". Having a "cause" doesn't mean that the cause is either valid or true. Union busters would use reasonably sounding arguments until you look more closely. (Like he has been doing that for 4 years, so we fired him. But we only fired him when he started to do union forming activities)


SuperSpread t1_je3e4oh wrote

They publicly harassed their coworkers. They should be fired for that alone. Nothing else they do changes this. They have no case. Fuck them. Fuck the union defending bullies.


BakingMadman t1_je43yud wrote

Orrrrrrrrr could it be that the company was being lenient, giving the employee chance after chance to change their ways.... and then it became apparent that the employee thought the rules did not apply to them so they were terminated.