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CapitalBornFromLabor t1_je18npg wrote

The guy you replied to believes the world is black and white and nothing more complicated than that. They’re operating at a 5th grader’s understanding of nuance. Good on you to call it out.

For the guy above you: Unions are absolutely a good thing, but Union members that abuse rules to try and look like victims make the WHOLE union look bad. Also, police union’s are a thing and absolutely should be, however they beed absolute scrutiny from both interior and exterior sources so we don’t have the abuses we see from them. Or unions that kowtow to corporate power. Just as bad and is a regular occurrence. I hope the UAW elections that have been bringing more progressive reformers into the fold will yield excellent results. But only time will tell.

Read some more, you’re on the right track but this “Unions only equals good, no unions equals only bad” view you have is incredibly naïve and short-sighted. There are bad unions out there.