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9-11GaveMe5G t1_jdwq1k2 wrote

> Last Monday, TechCrunch reported that Pinduoduo was pulled from Play after Google discovered a malicious version of the app available elsewhere

Google got in front of one for once. I knew they could do it!


Ok-Gate6899 t1_jdwsnx9 wrote

it remind me when facebook tried to buy phone exploits too to built it in their app, i don't remember from who - wasn't from cellebrite?

Edit, it was from NSO


nicuramar t1_jdzv5dw wrote

Probably because

  1. It's a claim.
  2. The devil is in the detail. They were probably not shopping for an exploit, but for other monitoring software. The article indicates as much.

The "phone exploits too to built it in their app" from parent is not really supported in the article.