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PrincessSnivy t1_jculjw8 wrote

Where do you think the AI get its material from?

Edit: also, plagiarism generally refers to any kind of submitted work that is not your own. So if an AI writes something and you submit that as your own work, that is plagiarism.


Unlikely_Birthday_42 t1_jcum8in wrote

Anything that is not your own [as in belonging to someone else]. That has always been the premise of plagiarism, that it’s something belonging to someone else. If there is no victim, there is no crime. AI reads and learns just like humans do. There is a difference between AI copying and it learning. AI plagiarism doesn’t exist and is a fear monger if term to try to scare and shame kids from advancing into the modern world. AI is our future and it’s best that we work with it. Schools need to change how they teach anyways, versus banning AI


xchrisx6 t1_jcv575y wrote

Somewhat of a fine line right, it's doing the same thing you would be doing to write a paper, taking other people's information and explaining it in your own way, just the AI's way not yours. I agree schools need to figure out how to embrace it and teach kids to use it to understand concepts to explain themselves rather than let the AI replace their own original thoughts.


PrincessSnivy t1_jcunvli wrote

Just because an AI made it does not mean that you are not appropriating work that you did not do yourself…? Plagiarism refers to taking credit for any kind of work that you did not do yourself.

Also, you must have a very poor grasp of how current AIs work if you think that they are the future of education. If you do not mind me asking, have you ever gone to university?