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Mental-Aioli3372 t1_jbyarr1 wrote

>Finding attention-holding UX patterns are HARD,

Is holding the users attention in the Spotify UI contributing to a significant part of the value users derive from Spotify as a service?

Edit: service > derive


GrouchyDirection7201 t1_jbyb8mo wrote

Nope, it's that they seek entertainment value elsewhere off-Spotify.


Mental-Aioli3372 t1_jbyc10x wrote

I think that's a fair and accurate description of the actual motivations.

It really does seem like a short sighted attempt to capitalize on the success of other mediums at the expense of the actual value their service and app provides.


GrouchyDirection7201 t1_jbz8uqy wrote

Assuming they made a blind change. This design must have gone through a humongous validation phase to assess customer reactions