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atwegotsidetrekked t1_jefw86i wrote

Yes we had access to Soviet TV. I am GenX and grew up in the 80s. We even studied Soviet culture in Social Studies in High Schools. Because we are supposed to be the better system and not in fear of lesser authoritarian regimes.

But you obviously would rather live in China


VelveteenAmbush t1_jefz923 wrote

> Yes we had access to Soviet TV.

That isn't what I asked.


atwegotsidetrekked t1_jeg261s wrote

Obviously you have Fascist tendencies. You want to restrict freedom in some weird (and not true) attempt of safety.

But, the only social media that has actually been successful in supporting the overthrow of the United States was Facebook. The only social media that used personal data to manipulate an election was Facebook.

It’s absolutely absurd