Westfakia t1_jc1r8lo wrote
Reply to comment by noobgolang in Twitter’s $42,000-per-Month API Prices Out Nearly Everyone | Tiers will start at $500,000 a year for access to 0.3 percent of the company’s tweets. Researchers say that’s too much for too little data by Hrmbee
Good for whom?
Giving preferential treatment to financial companies based on means alone isn’t going to benefit anyone except the people at the top, who will continue to work to widen the gap between them and everyone else.
yukeake t1_jc1vmxy wrote
Any sort of social research that isn't extremely time-sensitive could make use of week-old data. Academia is the big one, though, as they're always cash-strapped and there's no way they could afford thousands of dollars a month.
FamousSuccess t1_jc27xaw wrote
Currently the situation does more for what you're describing than what was just proposed.
As-is, researchers are cut off entirely. Only those with the means to do say may access the API now.
Free tiered access of some level would level the playing field MORE than less
0pimo t1_jc1xi9l wrote
>Giving preferential treatment to financial companies based on means alone isn’t going to benefit anyone except the people at the top
What planet are you on? This is how the world works. People with money spend it to gain benefits and value.
Westfakia t1_jc2fet3 wrote
Last time I checked this was earth.
I’ve been here long enough to know that leaving capitalism unchecked is not the best course for the majority of society, and that we have a system of laws in place to prevent abuses as well as a tax system that helps redress systemic inequity.
Reall though, are you going to deny that letting oligarchs like musk run rampant is how twitter got fucked up in the first place?
0pimo t1_jc2i0zz wrote
TIL that having to pay for API data from a privately held social media company constitutes "abuse and systemic inequity".
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