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Beautiful-Ad-3306 t1_jctc0ki wrote

I always tell people “my parents used to put us in front of a tv as a babysitter, the iPad is the same thing” I think they both can do damage if overused, like anything else


Game-of-pwns t1_jcy4hro wrote

"the iPad is the same thing"

I don't think we know that yet. TV is in the middle of the room, so it's at least somewhat social activity. Staring at a screen inches from your face cuts you off from the world and can cause back and eye problems that TV doesn't. TVs also don't bombard you with notifications and dopamine hits the same way personal electronic devices do, either.


Beautiful-Ad-3306 t1_jcy5xal wrote

Sitting on a couch watching tv and not being psychically moving is also terrible for your back, posture, etc. also, most kids watch the tv right in front of the tv. We absolutely did NOT use the tv as a social/interactive thing at all. It was put on so my mother could cook dinner, get other things done, etc. all screens are bad for children, their eyes, their bodies, their health, etc. It really just irritates me to hear those people who are “holier than thou” because they chose for their child to sit in front of a tv instead of an iPad. They’re both pretty bad. This is coming from a parent as well. My child goes outside and gets 1-2 hours a day. 🤷🏻‍♀️ say what you want, but he’s actually really good with technology now..