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Zenshei t1_jdb3vr3 wrote

My friend works there, apparently her office was super tense and a bunch of people were crying. One person who was laid off just moved nearby to the office and just had a kid. Lost her job in an instant, no one was warned it was happening today


grep_cat t1_jdbcu2w wrote

That's so sad. I worked there for 5 years (left in 2021) and have lots of fond memories of working there. They treat their employees really well and have a great culture.


aquarain t1_jdbahxd wrote

It always sucks when you get laid off. But this is why you don't get committed to a job, especially a tech job, especially in the first few years.


stateofbrave t1_jdcez4w wrote

My sis got laid off today as well. Used to go there for free breakfast then go to my office, until I got laid off and then now. Sucks man it's a good company to work in